Realtek 8019 ISA interface

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I have seen that someone has interfaced a PIC to the 3com ISA NIC. I have a realtek 8019 NIC and need to interface this ISA to my PIC. I want to try this route first before having to remove the IC and make a PCB to hold the IC.

Can anyone help>>?

You can take a look at the picnic project.

It works with an ISA network card(realtek 8019) and PIC 16F877A. You will need a socket for the ISA card though. I tried building it and it works first time.

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Thans I had a look at that. Seems interesting. I shall give it a try. What did you develope using the 8019 card?
Nothing special. I just followed the designer's instruction and checked out my picnic project actually can be pinged and the webserver accessible on my home network.
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