The transistor and diode numbers appear to be "in house" codes - specially numbered for the equipment maker.
They are often a standard or generic part, and with small transistors can frequently be substituted by numerous common types, as long as you can identify the pinout and whether it is a PNP or NPN device.
A photo of the board underside and any wiring diagram info showing the connections to it would be useful!
The capacitor is most likely 270pF
The resistors appear to be:
10K (brown black orange; 1 0 3)
15K (brown green orange; 1 5 3)
3.5K (orange green red; 3 5 2)
The first two bands/digits are literal numbers, the third is how many zeros to add.
If the middle band on the lower two is actually blue rather than green, then that digit is a six rather than five.