receive 0 data from UART.....

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New Member
I try to read data from read buffer through UART, and the result I received is 0hex, no matter what value I send out.
Does anyone know what is the problem ?
thanks ....
You don't give anywhere near enough information, we don't have a clue what you are using or trying to do. For a start, is it a PC?, or is it a micro-controller?. In either case, is it wired correctly?, is it set up correctly?, and are you using it correctly?.
maybe u didnt initialize it properly a software program that enables transmit and receive bits in one of the uart registers,,,,,

what context are u using the uart??
The detailed web site about my project is :

I'm using MSComm Control to send some bytes to the UART, then the decoder circuit will clock the appropriate bits into the Write buffer(74LS75), so that I can control the voltage level on each pin of my ZIF socket. After that, I will send 70hex to read the data(logic values) back to my computer.
but, all the while I keep getting either "0" or "FF" when I send 70h to my read buffer.
Any idea ?
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