Recomend a simple/cheap serial pic programer.

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New Member
I'm looking to get into pic programing and was wondering if any one could recomend plans to build one that would suport a large number of pics (mostly the smaller ones as I don't think I will ever have a need for 40 pin pics). If I could build one from parts at radio shack that work with most of the smaller pics that would be great as its is the only electronic parts store around here. Also what is a good pic to start out with? Thanks every one.
I started with RCD programmer **broken link removed**
It's a modification of JDM, it has no transistors and it can program PIC's with IntOSC & MCLR_Disabled.
Use IC-Prog as programming Software (check my signature).

And Download MPLAB IDE 7.1 from, it's a VERY udefull developing enviroment (free).
So called 'serial port' programmers (like the JDM) are quite critical about the serial port they are fed from, requiring it to be above RS232 standard. These means they can be quite problematic, which is why my software WinPicProg only supports parallel port programmers - it's perhaps no coincidence that I offer support on WinPicProg, whereas the author of ICProg offers no support, and doesn't reply to most emails!.

So generally parallel port programmers are more reliable than 'pseudo serial port' programmers like the JDM, proper serial port programmers (that have an on-board processor) are fine, and probably most likely to work on all computers.

There are a number of parallel port designs on my website, they all work with either WinPicprog or ICProg (or any other compatible software), if you have a parallel port it's the best low cost way to go.
Yea I do have a parallel port free on most of my computers. I have recently had serial port issues with another project I'm working on (serial vfd display) so I guess it is no suprise that I'm hearing simple serial programers don't work so well. I'm checking out your site now. Any good place to get pic's from (maby engineering samples?).
There is one issue about parallel port, it's easier to damage it than serial port. Serial port has current limitation and has less I/O pins, so the PCB may be smaller. Theese are important things when you don't have many experiencies.
The only disadvantage that usually serial based programmers don't work on laptops/notebooks.
Thanks for the info. I may try and build one of both. I'm trying to find a part list for the P16PRO40. Looks like it may require parts I can't get at radio shack.
hcker2000 said:
Thanks for the info. I may try and build one of both. I'm trying to find a part list for the P16PRO40. Looks like it may require parts I can't get at radio shack.

The only slightly difficult part would be the open-collector buffer - but you can buy kits for the P16PRO40 for very little money, less than you could buy the parts for!.
I checked out Dontronics but there realy cheap kits are no longer being sold :/ Any other place I could order one? Also what pics would you recomend I request from MicroChip?
hcker2000 said:
I checked out Dontronics but there realy cheap kits are no longer being sold :/ Any other place I could order one? Also what pics would you recomend I request from MicroChip?
Try 16F88 12F675 16F877A and 18F2550 for USB supp.
Thanks I was looking at the microchip pic samples and there are alot of each one some with samples and others with out. Is the 16F877A a 40 pin chip? I was thinking some thing smaller to start with 8-18 pins. Basicly I think the first thing I'm going to try and do is make some leds "chase" each other back and forth.
12F675 8pin
16F88 18pin
16F877A 40pin
16F876A 28pin
18F2550 28pin
LOL looks like I picked the bigest one out of the group to check on first. Thanks for the info. I'm guessing the I/O pins on a pic are just on and off? or can you set how much voltage is on each I/O pin with software. I was thinking of doing that led chaser and make it like the night rider display. Maby I'm geting ahead of myself.

Also I am looking to sample the that end in -l/p right? What about the SPDIP ones?
Output PINs are TTL compatible, therefore it outputs +5V/0V.... :lol:
BUT you may use PWM (turn PIN on and off) to produce variable brightnes...
Ahh that would probably do it then. I edited my last post before I saw that you had posted any recommendations on the question I added.
hcker2000 said:
Also I am looking to sample the that end in -l/p right? What about the SPDIP ones?

Yes stick with I/P.
SPDIP stands for Skinny DIP, eg 28pin packages are available in normal DIP (600mil) and SPDIP (300mil). Imagine it as normal 18pdip package with 28 pins. 28DIP is more like 40pin package with only 28 pins, and it takes more space on PCB.
Ahh ok got it thanks. That rules out sampling the PIC16F876A any others you could recomend as a substitute for that chip that I could sample?
hcker2000 said:
Ahh ok got it thanks. That rules out sampling the PIC16F876A any others you could recomend as a substitute for that chip that I could sample?

The 16F876A is a good chip, it's a standard DIL chip, 28 pins but only the same width as the 18 pin chips - as such it's smaller size is VERY handy, check my tutorials boards for some pictures. The tutorial boards use the 16F628, the 16F876, and the 16F877.

The 16F88 mentioned could be used to replace the 628, but there would be a few slight software changes needed (simply due to the extra hardware in the F88).

I would suggest you add the 16F628 (or 16F628A) to your list, then you can follow the tutorials - which even have a 'night rider' type display.
hcker2000 said:
Ahh ok got it thanks. That rules out sampling the PIC16F876A any others you could recomend as a substitute for that chip that I could sample?
Try 16F737, 28pin, 8Mhz Internal osc. 3x PWM A/D ....
16F737 is out to no I/P's in the list :/

I added the 16F628A to my sample list so I can fallow along with the tutorials. Did any one find out where I can order one of the simple printer port kits from?

Here are the pic's I have in my list so far.

PIC16F877A-I/P 1
PIC12F675-I/P 1
PIC16F628A-I/P 1

So two more that I can sample in I/P packages are needed.
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