Recomend a simple/cheap serial pic programer.

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I would suggest the 16F876A, and the 16F676 (14 pin).
Ok the 16F876A isn't listed as a I/P package. Any other segestions? One more and I can submit the sample order.
hcker2000 said:
Ok the 16F876A isn't listed as a I/P package. Any other segestions? One more and I can submit the sample order.
You can try 18F... It's not that difficult.
18F1320 18pin or
18F2320 28pin or
18F4320 40pin (my favorite one :lol: )
hcker2000 said:
Ok the 16F876A isn't listed as a I/P package. Any other segestions? One more and I can submit the sample order.

The 16F876A is available as a skinny DIP package, two are listed '28/PDIP 300mil', and '28/PDIP300 Pb-Free' - both the same, but the second is the new 'leadfree' version.
Well I have no huge 40 pin ic's in my collection so I'll go with the 18F4320. So what do the first two numbers on each chip have to do with any thing?
This is Off-topic, but I never new the difference between lead and leadfee version (besides enviromental benefit). Does leadfree version have to be soldered in a special way?
hcker2000 said:
Well I have no huge 40 pin ic's in my collection so I'll go with the 18F4320. So what do the first two numbers on each chip have to do with any thing?

18F stands for "High End" family, it's faster, has more in instructions and peripherals, and is optimised for C language...
hcker2000 said:
Well I have no huge 40 pin ic's in my collection so I'll go with the 18F4320. So what do the first two numbers on each chip have to do with any thing?

The 16 series are mid-range PIC's, probably the best for beginning with (they only have 35 commands to learn), almost all PIC code you can download on the net is written for these series of processors.

The 18 series are top-range PIC's, higher specification and they have many more commands, they are partially backwards compatible with the 16 series, but not completely so. There's very little code available on the net for these devices yet.

For a beginner I would suggest the 16F series, if you want a 40 pin monster, get the 16F877 which was mentioned earlier - the 876 and 877 are the same chip, just in different packages, and with less pins on the 876.
Ahh cool I'm glad you recomended that one then. Also it looks like I can't sample them. This is the message I got from there site.

Any way to still get a sample?
This is the message you get when MicroChip have had severe abuse of the system from the country in question, I'm presuming you are in the USA as your location says Ohio?.
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