reconfigurability (fpga's)

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New Member
im starting to hate FPGA technology, the more i learn the more i think....why?

that said can anyone explain 'reconfiguration' in regards to fpga's, its all over the data sheets, but oh no too much hassle to give a simple explanation

i want to assume it just means - re programming, or re doing the place and route stuff - but one cannot assume

any experts know ?
That's good, if the more you learn the less you'd think, then you would be turn into a robot, not a human being that thinks.

Yes, It means, "reprogramming". They call "configure", because when you program it, you "configure" logics architectures.

Programming/compiling is for software only. Since it's not software in an FPGA, it is synthesis/configure.
Programming/compiling is for software only. Since it's not software in an FPGA, it is synthesis/configure.
Actually it is called compiling as well. Synthesis is developing the logic. Compiling it is creating the configuration file that tells it precisely which cell is set up which way. Configuration is when the file is transfered to the FPGA.

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