Register Button press PIC18F45K22

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New Member
Hi guys,

It is weird to ask but could you help me to register the button press. I am able to detect the button debounce. But what I am looking is once button pressed the mic take that button as pressed until I press other button.

The project is to display the received string(which is in terms of tonne) onto GLCD via EUSART . I have implemented the code to change the received string to kilo newton. Once button pressed I want to display only kilo newton value not the one I am receiving. To do so I have to register button press.

I will appreciate your help.



  • button.c
    3.4 KB · Views: 184
  • buttons.h
    414 bytes · Views: 164
Can't you just set a flag when a valid button press has been detected, then clear the flag when the other button press is detected?
Thanks for your reply;

I have implemented a Switch case to perform specific task when respective button has been pressed

unsigned int unit=1;

if (Button1()){
if (unit=4) unit=1;
unit +=1;

case 1: PutChar('1'); break;
case 2: PutChar('2'); break;
case 3: PutChar('3'); break;
case 4: PutChar('4'); break;
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