i went to a .50BMG shoot here in Colorado s few years back, and the local fire department that sponsored the event had several hundred expired propane tanks out on the range as targets. the trick to setting them off was to hit them once with a bullet, then follow up with a tracer to ignite the gas. they even had a 1000 gallon tank out at 1000 yards which provided a good sized fountain of flame when it got set off... these tanks were all about 10% full, and didn't go off spectacularly like in the movies. if you puncured the tank, and then put a tracer through the escaping gas, it would ignite because it had a chance to mix with oxygen, but actually hitting the tank with a tracer usually wouldn't set it off because there was no oxygen inside the cylinder.
on the last afternoon of the shoot, the fire department and sheriff's department placed charges of tannerite and dynamite out on the range. they put an office trailer out at a mile with 10 sticks of dynamite in one of the windows, and painted the window fluorescent orange. when the range went hot, it was about 10 seconds before somebody hit the window, and the office trailer disappeared...