Relay control

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New Member
I'm using a transistor to switch a relay. I know i have to include a diode but i havn't had any experience of diodes yet. I want to know if anybody could give me a part number of a suitable diode to use.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1N4001 ?

What size of relay is it ? Pretty much any diode will do unless the relay is super-sized.
It's only a small PCB relay.

Looks like a trip to the store again.

I've just had a look online and have found a 1N4001G, can anyone tell me what difference the end letter makes?

Thanks for the help.
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Do you not have any diodes lying around ? Pretty much any will do. Another common one is 1N4148, which is a low power signal diode. (But will still be more than enough)

Edit: The datasheet says that it's got a "Glass passivated junction" - Don't ask what that means though ....
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