Relay help.... ?

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My program is in posts #1 and #4. You can copy/paste the text into the PICAXE Programming Editor. It can be modified to do what you want.

Your description for a 10-minute delay to verify that you're pumping actually starts after the water separates from the low level electrode, will not work reliably. The distance between the low water level and the low level electrode is microscopic (from my experience) and too small to determine that you are adequately pumping. Any small motion of the water surface will seem to indicate adequate pumping. A fourth electrode, slightly above the low level electrode would be required. That still can be done with my circuit...with slight hardware modifications. The input used to indicate that my sensor plug has been disconnected could be used instead for the pump-working electrode.

Again, I assume that this is a school project. And, I have no idea what academic competency this is supposed to demonstrate. Seeming reluctance on your part to say. So far, the only thing I've seen you do on this project is state an ever-changing bunch of requirements and demands for completed solutions. At this point I've lost interest in "doing" your project for you. I will happily "help" when I see progress on your end.

Ken gave you a link to his code in the PICAXE forum he linked you to. This was his link and he clearly shows the code.

<EDIT> Ken was also quicker than I. </EDIT>

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I have written all the details with attachment.. kindly help.

Hi friend KMoffett ,

I have written all the details as i want in my attachment.Kindly have a look and please give a complete circuit diagram...

And friend for God sake please help me in completing this project..... because I hope only you can help me..



  • Circuit.png
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