relay labeling

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New Member
Im trying to make sense of a central heating boiler control system from a diagram which contains a few relays. Are there a standard set of terminal ids for relays. These are labeled 12,11,24 and similar or do i need to identify each relay and get data sheets. The hardware isnt close to hand

Do you have the schematics?
Sometimes Boilers have special Relays that are sensitive for water level control. You may have to get the model number off of the relay then we can research what type it is and manufacture so we can find a pinout.
Hi wizard, first thanks for the intrest

The diagram im working from is attached. The system is on the other side of scotland from me so im trying to understand the detail before i go and look at it. The problem with the system is a limited supply of hot water, could be heaters or thermostats but could also be the control system relays (top middle of diagram). I am trying to get the owner (relatives) to identify the relays and timer details at the moment. The system is described in the churchillsystems web site,sort of
Relays are somthing im not familiar with



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Oh boy. You have a project here.
I have E-mailed Church Hill Tech Service and ask for a Ladder Diagram.

**broken link removed**
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