relay setup voltage separator

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i don't know what to ask and if already was already discussed, sry. so i will tel what have and what i want.
i have a solar panel (max 18v) which charge a battery 12 v. when solar panel don't charge that because off low light i want to put it to charge a 1.2 bat.
if i use a relay the relay connect to 9v and disconnect to 4-5 and when is not connect use sane or more power than when is connect. and what is more the relay use a lot power.
is something that i can use, like when is more than 12v the electricity go on 1 pipe and when is more on another pipe.
If there is not enough sun to cause the open circuit voltage of the panel to get above ~12V, the amount of energy that you can harvest is so low as not to be worth the trouble.
i leave in london so is really wort.this is not the point. i am interested if is something that can use very little energy and very cheap that can do that
No dinablaster, it's not worth it. Solar panels need FULL sunlight to produce anything salvageable, and even then it's sometimes not worth the cost of the panels because battery maintenance of batteries is high. The DIRECT cost of the energy in your situation is lower than the cost from a solar panel, you're wasting your time.
sceadwian, thank you for giving me an idea in other relay post. yes is wort a lot 10V*0.100A*4h(if is cloudy 6-10)=4w min. with that power i can keep on few led's with the most basic circuit. (i think 10-20led ). i have only 1 small panel and if i will have 2-5 panel's it will make a big difference. that can be the reason.

but I'm not interested if is worth or not, i am interested in some ideas how i can separate energy in that way. over 12 in 1 battery under 12 in another with very less power consumption
i read a beet on the forum and i think i need a relay driver. me problem is this. me relay is start to work on ex. 12v but is disconnect on 7-8v. how i make a circuit that is connect on 12 and disconnect when i don't have 12V. please a schematic if is possible.
Is your "Shift" key broken? I mite help if you weren't so lazy.
dinablaster, have you measured the current at these lower currents directly? When the voltage drops the available currents drops faster. Are you sure you've got that much retrievable power? You've not given a lot of hard states on your solar panel, nor any graphs of voltage vs current from a meter and a dummy load under various lighting conditions. If you can provide that kind of information and there really is retrievable power there some recommendations would be able to be made, right now there's not a lot of information.
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4pyros. i always write like this sry. have nothing to do with the fact i am lazy.
sceadwian. at 10v i have 0.200A or 0.400 measured directly to the panel. when the panel have 12v, the relay is coupling but is decoupling at 7-9( depends of the light).
Again, you're probably better off with a transistorized circuit, relays are not practical for wide voltage ranges.
this is me relay. **broken link removed**.
if you have a circuit with transistors but not to expensive, please give me a schematic if is possible not to complicated because i don't know to much electronic
MikeMI. This is the reason why I don't have a good job. I am not to smart my English is not to good and when is coming about an intervieu I'm blank. Anyway the writing don't have nothing to do with my problem, so ... if you have an good idea how to make very low power consume circuit which can handle 18v and 3A in maxim light thank you.

Something like this might work. The relay "picks" when the battery is starting to charge.


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