That's exactly what you would expect a relay to do.
"Make before break" could sometimes have fatal consequences.
See below
The result is important. What happens before throwing relay conctacts is no point of interest. (except for unintended shorts).
See below
I sometimes have the impression Australians have invented electronics, but allas, you're 543 years late. Thais have invented the sun, the moon, electric energy and even computers.
Electronics were invented by people in many countries.
Due to their generousity they left their inventions to the rest of the world never thinking about the profit they could make out those epoche breaking engineering capabilities.
BTW, it was a German named Konrad Zuse who invented the first relay driven computer taking up 40 square meters of space.
I'm German, too.
Got me?
Boncuk (also called Herman the German, Russians used to call me "Zoni, the destroyer without weapons")