Remembering memories

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schmitt trigger

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This thread may be considered a continuation of this previous one, but focused more on computer memory development:

It appears that the most primitive type of computer memory is mercury delay lines, which I have never actually used a computer which had one. My earliest computer experience was with a Control Data CDC3300, which had magnetic core memory.
My next computer experience was with an IBM 370/145, which already used semiconductor memory.

Anyways, a fun video on mercury delay line memory used on an historically significant computer;

I was given a weird video terminal as a teenager, that used a delay line for storage and a special CRT with a character mask built in to it.

It had two sets of scanning inputs (I can't remember the details of what was electrostatic or magnetic), to select which character in the grid then the screen position that was displayed at.

It was long pre-internet and I could not find any information on it, so it eventually got either sold or scrapped..

Technically, the first computer memory was brain cells. "Computer" was a job title from around the early 1600s (if I remember right) though to the 1960s - 70s, when it became more associated with computing machines & the people since then have been called "Human computers".

My mother was a computer in the 1940s, or that would have been her title in an American company - she was formally a "Comptometer operator", one of many in the computing department of a large engineering company.

If you are interested, have a look at the movie "Hidden figures", about the [human] computers who did the calculations for NASA spaceflights, through to the beginning of the Apollo series.

if you code delay lines in software all the random addressing avoidance makes u go alot faster. its actually superior hardware today, not having ram in the computer, because its uncachable.
If you are interested, have a look at the movie "Hidden figures", about the [human] computers who did the calculations for NASA spaceflights, through to the beginning of the Apollo series.

It's a really good film, well worth watching. I was absolutely horrified by the way the coloured ladies were treated, but I loved the way one stole a book on Fortran from the 'whies only' library
It's a really good film, well worth watching. I was absolutely horrified by the way the coloured ladies were treated, but I loved the way one stole a book on Fortran from the 'whies only' library

Yes, excellent movie and highly recommended! Truly atrocious about the treatment of the women, not allowing them to use the "whites only" restroom in the building where they worked and making them literally run to a restroom several buildings away.*

*The US (my country) has a lot to be proud of, but much to be ashamed of as well. It is absolutely shameful that trump has made it ok for these kind of people to crawl from the swamps and slither out from under rocks into positions of power and try to use that power to erase "inconvenient" parts of history. And perhaps people not exactly like themselves.
That link also mentions the Olivetti Programma 101 - the local school group had one of those shared between them, used for the "Computer programming" class!
Trump was, and still is, a severe embarrassment to the USA - it doesn't help been named after a fart
Shall we also discuss Biden, Obama, etc.? What possible connection does American politics have to computer memories, except from the perspective that Biden seems to have lost his.
Shall we also discuss Biden, Obama, etc.? What possible connection does American politics have to computer memories, except from the perspective that Biden seems to have lost his.
The return of prejudice as supported by Trump and as was shown in the film. The rest of the world thought that was a thing of the past.

The return of prejudice as supported by Trump and as was shown in the film. The rest of the world thought that was a thing of the past.


Sadly, too many of my country want it to be a thing of the future too. Turning the clock back 150 years is what they'd like to do. But this isn't the place to debate politics.
Trump may have served the nation a favor, just as Hitler and Germany, Stalin and
his purges, the Brits and their colonies, the Raj, a pox on India, or stuff like the
Balfour declaration, how citizens need not be complacent, uninvolved. Lets hope,
participate, and rid ourselves of this WW collective maltreatment of humans on humans,
before AI takes over and rids the planet of the incredibly destructive human race....

As far as Biden, who recognizes workers create the wealth in this nation, and
wife who exemplifies best in human development and expression, I will support
them even though my preference is for my sons generation to take over.

OMG I almost forgot Hunter Bidens Laptop, should we not discuss that for another

Question, this is general electronics chat right ? Emphasis on "electronics".....?
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how bullcrap was the election, how are u supposed to even know whats reality and what isnt? Even how he got there in first place just popped out of thin air.
Doing anything about it is madness, when uve nothing but reports of lies.
One develops, over time, a sense of who is bull crap, who is not.

Trump had a long embrace of BS, NY papers constantly disussed him and his father.

You could see him coming over many years of promotion. It was a matter of time.

Helps to watch multiple news outlets, I like MSNBC, BBS, Al Jazeera, DW, CNN over
the long haul. Not every one every day, but with some frequency.

Regards, Dana.
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