Remote Control By Location Part 2

If you maintain the same length and format, the data should always be in the same position, making it straightforward to extract them using the appropriate functions. This consistency in data structure greatly simplifies the process of parsing and retrieving specific pieces of information. By standardizing the data format, you can employ more efficient algorithms to handle and manipulate the data. This approach not only enhances reliability in data handling but also optimizes performance, as the functions can be tailored to operate on a predictable data model.
But it is very important to be sure that the data frame has no errors.
Hi D,
This AIS project of yours sound interesting. What language are you using? If it is ever in OSH BASIC, I would try it, as I'm near boats where I live.

Regarding the CHECKSUM, I use a shorter 'kind of' version, byt checking the $ at the beginning of 'say' GPS DATA, and the 'say' W 1/2 way along the whole sentence.
Hi D,
Why is my reply written in Spanish, I'm English?

My 4x CODES have taken years to get this far, and I'm not a good CODER, so I'll leave well alone until 'say' I'm correcting something, I may try to do it in the way you suggest. The WORD thing in #39 will take some concentration to work it rhough the system, so I will have a go at that.
Sometime back I made a comment that the BASE and REMOTE are communicating with each other, so when the joysticks on the BASE unit are moved, then the SERVOs on the REMOTE move, but some of the PICs keep stalling occassionally, and I haven't been able to figure out what the problem/s are.

During the 5ish years of the project, I've spent may hours, and many of you have also, but I've got to lessen my efforts on it, so I wonder if it will ever get finished.

If anyone want to take it on, with my help, I can send all of the information.

Cheers, C.
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