Remote controlled fluorescent bulb.

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New Member
Can someone help me do the schematic diagram for this and what are the parts list. thanks.
should this design needs programming? this fluorescent bulb should be adjustable in its brightness. help please.
This is a quite difficult design.

Do you understand the complexities of dimming a fluorescent bulb?

You want on/off, and dimming from a remote control?

An LED wont do?

What is the voltage you are dealing with? American 120v or EU 240v? Battery operated?

Do you have any electronics experience?
Couple of years ago I've done this my own using radio signals(FM) and so the range of operation was kilometers! I've utilized the tuning indicator output of a conventional receiver chip to accomplish this

For shorter(line of sight) range, IR signals are much easy..

There are TX/RX modules available that makes the task even more easy.

However I doubt controlling a fluorescent light using triacs. You may need a relay unit. Dimming those bulbs are even more difficult..
I think some of the solid state ballasts are dimmable. You might want to start there.
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