Remote controlled Switch board

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New Member
I want to design a switch board of multiple switch controlled by a remote(tv or cd player remote)... Suppose i press 1 then it ON/OFF the No.1 switch(ex. fan) or when i press 2 it ON/OFF light and so on for tv, radio etc... Please help me to do so.....
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First, edit your post and remove your email address. Spybots will find it and SPAM you.

Second, the idea of forums is to have answers posted here so others can benefit from the information now and in the future.

Well, there are multiple modules available on the market already at considerably low prices. For example, I've heard very good things about the X10 Remote Control module. I actually picked up a generic version of this at my local Hardware store.

But, if you insist on building one, there are many options to consider. You can use anything from IR emitting diodes and receivers, or possibly even photocells and a laser pointer.

However, I would personally utilize an open-source micro controller, being the Arduino whiz that I am.

You have to experiment around, and find what works for you.

If everyone else does all of the thinking for you, that takes the fun out of it.
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Here are schematics and PCB layout for 4-channel remote relay IR-control.

I don't know if the kit is still available.



    137.1 KB · Views: 286
Thank you

Here are schematics and PCB layout for 4-channel remote relay IR-control.

I don't know if the kit is still available.


Thank you Boncuk for helping me....
Can u give me some more idea for controlling at least 8 to 10 switches??
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