Remote switch with very fast response

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New Member
Hi there,

I would like to handle my guitar gear buttons remotely.
Normally, they are switched by foot on a floorboard. Therefore you always need to stand right where it is. And that's boring.

I allready bought a kit 'Velleman VM160' which works well, but it reacts way to slow.
I have to hold the button at least half a second to do the switching, but while playing guitar, you only have a fraction of a second to push a button.

So, i want a system that i barely need to touch, and it should also switch right away.
I hope someone can help me with this.

Thanks in advance,
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You say the VM160 'works well, but it reacts way to slow'. Would you be happy with a gizmo which needed the button to be pressed for, say, 0.1 sec (so you could carry on playing) but then still took half a second to activate an effects module or whatever? In other words a pulse-stretcher to trigger the VM160?
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