If you are logged in, you can see any like/dislike/informative/funny/thanks/agree/disagree beneath your post and you are able to click on the blue 'list' to the right, to see who has responded.
If the bottom pane is blank, nobody has rated your post.
To review your total number of ratings, based upon your past posts, click your username near the top-right of the ETO menu bar, then click 'Ratings Received'.
I must comment on the buttons, for over a week now I been able to fully use them. I feel they are a perfect addition to the site; they were needed.
I'm noticing in some "Threads" members I find I want to agree with or if I like etc. I just hit a button. That member has said it all, no need for an additional comments supporting the obvious, and clean "Threads" become the net result.
After my first negative post on the "like", etc. buttons, I will have to recant.
EM, your new system is aces. It's much more expansive and it is nice to be able to see who had appraised one's post. The feedback, regardless of its "flavor" is a welcome addition to the "open-ness" of the forum.
Some time ago I realized that in the last years, most of the times I thanked people for replying and/or for helpful replies but did not click in whatever buttons were available.
Have to get used to do that besides putting it in writing.
Assigning values based on a "scale", I think would make a pretty good basis for a rating system, i.e. the bar system.
The order I selected was to give it scale in which point values could be assigned.