Repair a desktop digital foil stamping machine

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I have a desktop Audley 3050C 'digital' foil stamping machine and it has stopped working so I would like to find someone who can trouble shoot the connections on the machine. I own the machine privately.

It is basically a 3 axis printer that feeds a roll of foil and prints images created in a laptop in CorelDraw using a thermal print head to 'print' the foil on to a surface such as the title on a book. The machine uses tiny led beams to position the print head and 'breaking' the beam with a metal object like a hex wrench sends the print head to the home position.

Here is a YouTube video of the printer working:

This is obviously a bit more complicated than fixing a computer or a 4 axis milling machine so if anyone is interested or knows someone who may have the skill set to trouble shoot the printer or is simply interested in the challenge would you please send me an email. I expect to pay if the machine is back up and running.

Thank You,


  • Digital-Hot-Stamping-Machine-Thermal-Foil-Printer.jpg
    70.7 KB · Views: 702
typical "failures" for thermal ribbon printers include ??? - it has been years since ... clogging of any optical sensors ... too many thermal elements burned out on thermal print head ... EEPROM went heywire coz heavy industrial machines on the same power line (or accumulation of condensate/dust on the PCB)

failures for misc. disk drives = plastic coated alloy-ribbon connectors (interfacing the moving modules) having a bad contact

usually the similar product service won't service the "competitors" trade mark coz no actual/legal access to their know how and specifics by model (date release)

if you need repair fast call to / order the proper service -- other wise it - as for what was mentioned above - may take long
Ci139 ....thank you for your reply and insight. These 'printers' are apparently rare in Canada and the US so I am pretty well out of luck finding a service rep. I do appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
your question is support in N-Am
the service and repair of such equippment may be costly as from 1/6 to third of the purchase price (wheather it's worth the effort or to buy new- / areally-supported one)

sleepy saturday : of course there may be a Canadian provider of similar products that lists X-Audley's at their nomeclature and may have someone who can assemble those properly ? perhaps do diagnostic -- found maybe on local yellow pages
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It took months but I finally found a man in Metro Vancouver who had 25 years of electronic experience who could understand and fix the Audley. I should mention when the machine is running it is a wonderful machine. The real problem is our disposable society where there is a shrinking number of people with the skills to repair a 'variety' of complicated electronic/robotic parts or machines.
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