Repairing Sagem Fast 2804 Router

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Hi everyone

I have a Sagem router, it wasn't powering up properly 2 Leds were blinking fast in Red every time I try to turn it on
After checking the Pcb I found out that when I put my finger on that area over the resistor in the red rectangle, the router powers up normally
and IC SP8K4 gets very hot to touch, when I touch it again the router goes back to the problematic state & the two red leds blink again.
I though it's a dry solder for the resistor and tried re-soldering it, but it didn't make a difference, it only responds when touched by the tip of my finger
or when I connect multimeter leads to it's both ends, I tried (without soldering) connecting a 2.2K ohm resistor in parallel the mentioned resistor but now the router failed no leds are blinking and IC ISL6445 gets very hot

I can see what looks like a splash of solder shorting out the two right hand pins of IC SP8K4. Also measure the resistance of the resistor in the red rectangle. I think it is 850 ohms.

Thanks a lot for your reply, I removed the splash, the Resistance measures 1.4K ohm the same reading before and after the current problem.
Still IC ISL6445 gets too hot to touch !


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Put a 12 Volts computer cooling fan underneath the router. that will keep the router a lot cooler.
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