With the GOP's new seats in the Capital, and a promise to repeal, but don't see how they have much of a chance. I think it's just being used as leverage, and to drum up support in the 2012 elections. Can only hope though. Basically, I think the are going to just waste a lot more time and money, and accomplish little.
I never like ObamaCare, mostly for the fact that it's mandatory for everyone to purchase insurance, whether or not, you want or really need it. I've had health insurance through work, for almost 20 years, but was really cheap (at first), and have never used it. The price is going up, the coverage reduced, and would consider dropping it. Health insurance isn't the the same as Health Care, as you can care for your own health (actually most people do), you don't absolutely need a doctor to prescribe an aspirin, apply an ointment, or slap on a bandage. I'm currently three weeks into a broken toe, the worst is over, walking pretty much normally again, and not so many 4-lettered words when I bump into something. Didn't need X-rays to tell me it was broken, and already knew from several past experiences, not a whole lot can be done with it, just tape it to an adjacent toe, and try not to re-injure it for 6-8 weeks.
ObamaCare really doesn't address much of why doctors and hospitals charge so much, nor is there much to reduce those costs down, to where you don't absolutely need insurance, just to talk to a doctor. It doesn't have much to control the cost of the insurance, or many details on what must be covered. What good is insurance, if it only covers rare conditions? Is your insurance really affordable, if you still have to pay $50 out pocket, for each visit to the doctor (co-pay)? Is it really usefull, with a $2500.00 annual deductible?
Yes, there is a Health Care problem, but forcing people to buy insurance, they don't want or need, isn't the solution. The problem still exists, just more people getting in on it. I don't see the employment situation changing much, until after 2014, when the law comes into full effect, and businesses can completely drop their health care benefits, since supposedly, affordable insurance will available to everyone, everywhere. Why would a business want to expend the time and money dealing with insurance, when it will be open equally to all, independently of employment. It's no longer a benefit or perk, so why get involved.
I never like ObamaCare, mostly for the fact that it's mandatory for everyone to purchase insurance, whether or not, you want or really need it. I've had health insurance through work, for almost 20 years, but was really cheap (at first), and have never used it. The price is going up, the coverage reduced, and would consider dropping it. Health insurance isn't the the same as Health Care, as you can care for your own health (actually most people do), you don't absolutely need a doctor to prescribe an aspirin, apply an ointment, or slap on a bandage. I'm currently three weeks into a broken toe, the worst is over, walking pretty much normally again, and not so many 4-lettered words when I bump into something. Didn't need X-rays to tell me it was broken, and already knew from several past experiences, not a whole lot can be done with it, just tape it to an adjacent toe, and try not to re-injure it for 6-8 weeks.
ObamaCare really doesn't address much of why doctors and hospitals charge so much, nor is there much to reduce those costs down, to where you don't absolutely need insurance, just to talk to a doctor. It doesn't have much to control the cost of the insurance, or many details on what must be covered. What good is insurance, if it only covers rare conditions? Is your insurance really affordable, if you still have to pay $50 out pocket, for each visit to the doctor (co-pay)? Is it really usefull, with a $2500.00 annual deductible?
Yes, there is a Health Care problem, but forcing people to buy insurance, they don't want or need, isn't the solution. The problem still exists, just more people getting in on it. I don't see the employment situation changing much, until after 2014, when the law comes into full effect, and businesses can completely drop their health care benefits, since supposedly, affordable insurance will available to everyone, everywhere. Why would a business want to expend the time and money dealing with insurance, when it will be open equally to all, independently of employment. It's no longer a benefit or perk, so why get involved.