REPEAT UNTIL loop doesn't work right?

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good points Dr G
the switch is a 4 position switch pin 1 = Time1 pin 2 = ground pin 3 = Time2 pin 4 = Time3 pin 5 = ground pin 6 = Time 4
here is the code that I used to verify that I have a hardware issue and not a code issue. Is what is occurring is when the rotary switch is set on Time4, the position 4 (player4) led is enabled, the two green then two yellow leds are enabled in sequence. Then the Mst_led is enabled ,then the code jumps out of the loop and player10 led is enabled to indicate the sub has ended. In the Time1 _ Time 3 sequences the code does not jump out of the sub UNTIL the Master_swt is depressed.
I think you are confused. First program listing:

Lastest program listing (impossibleto read -FORMAT!):

Of course, nobody can tell what you're doing because you haven't included your code with the dimension statements, whether you used SetAllDigital to switch Port A to digital, whether you are erroneously writing to input ports, etc.

If you can't even take time to make your code readable (which will help YOU keep track of things) why should anybody else take their time to decipher it? You could start by putting your if/then statements in the proper conventionsl format.


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First of all try this when posting your code

[code=Basic]Some programming statements here...[/code]

This will format your code and make it easier to read.
First of all try this when posting your code

[code=Basic]Some programming statements here...[/code]

This will format your code and make it easier to read.

I can not count how many times I've given him this piece of advice.

Everybody finds their own way, but I think that in pretty much every instance where I have successfully debugged something, I have used a divide and conquer approach. Further, divide usually means to break out into a very simple portion and progress systematically. When you find yourself thinking that you are exiting a subroutine before a return, you are probably not. It is possible, but it is one of the last things you want to suspect going in. I am not saying that you don't have a hardware problem or a software problem or both, I am saying that you are complicating matters by not looking into small chunks and doing so systematically.

On the switch, to be sure that we are on the same page, refer to the datasheet on page 3-3. Note that the pin numbers on the switch are not in the usual format of 1-6. Instead, they are giving you which pin is ground for each switch position. So pin 3 is called 0 (for switch position 0) meaning that when the switch is in position 0, pin 3 will be connected to the common....and so on. Pins 2 and 5 are common (for GND).

So, I would start with something very simple by running the code below (and forgive me if some of the syntax is wrong but I have never used a BASIC with a PIC)...but only after making sure that you have the ports initialized correctly. Also, I can't tell from the schematic if you are sinking or sourcing current for the 8 player LEDs on Port B. I am acting like you have initialized parts such that player1=1 will turn on the LED marked play1 near the LED and pos0 near the port bit.


IF Time0=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 0
  // turn off the other 3 LEDs

IF Time1=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 1
  // turn off the other 3 LEDs

IF Time4=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 2
  // turn off the other 3 LEDs

IF Time2=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 3
  // turn off the other 3 LEDs

// delay for 1 second


Now, you should be able to turn the switch and only one of the 4 LEDs will light indicating the appropriate switch position.

If this doesn't work (assuming I have not done something bone-headed), you have to back up further....can you light the 4 LEDs sequentially? the port initialized to outputs...and so on and so forth.

If it works, you can add in another chunk. In this regard, I would suggest examining the so-called master switch - is that a momentary switch? Do you have a model number? Are you thinking about debouncing? All that stuff.

I think one of the problems with your approach is that you have way too much testing going on to isolate the problems in a meaningful manner.

That's my 2 cents anyways.

Edited to add:

This might be more conservative, in case, for some reason, more than one LED is lit:

// turn off all four LEDs

IF Time0=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 0

IF Time1=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 1

IF Time4=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 2

IF Time2=0 THEN
  // turn on LED for Switch position 3

// delay for 1 second

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I like to simplify when testing hardware. .. :

if sw1 then led1
if sw2 then led2
if sw3 then led3
if sw4 then led4
if sw5 then led 1 & 3
That was done several months ago on a perfboard and the PCboard. Each segment of code was tested by itself. Have yet to test a bare PCboard, only viewed the board file and find no issues so DMM. But presently building a gas powered garden cart for neighbor and trying to finish up my recumbent trike.
ya but it might be a good idea to try it again for debug purpose since it may be design flaw on these other boards .... if it is not that then the only other thing that comes to mind that it could be is that the Et_time is too large for the DELAYMS() function and overflowing the register
... it could be is that the Et_time is too large for the DELAYMS() function and overflowing the register
The DelayMS() function takes a word parameter, so no matter what you throw at it the max delay is 65535ms (65secs).
If you try to pass it values larger than that the higher bits will be ignored (truncates it to a 16-bit word).
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