Replacement power supply

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New Member
Good afternoon all lm a new user ,I have a 49 metre string of Fairy Led Lights that get their power via an intergrated Solar Supply.
My issue is that the solar pack is not Charging the rechargeable batteries .
Can I replace this with a power pack supplying similar output .
Unit itself take 3 x 1.2volt batteries.
It also has an 8 function control as part of unit Im not worried about retaining this as all I want to do is get them working .

Regards Allan
South Australia
The current through the LEDs must be limited with a resistance. Assuming the LEDs are all in parallel then the battery or the circuit limits the current. The LEDs will burn out if you use a power supply without limiting the current.

I suspect that the rechargeable batteries are cheap junk. Try replacing them with better ones after cleaning the contacts in the battery holder. The on-off switch also might be cheap junk.
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