replacing triacs

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can i replace a BCR2A with BT137 ?? in a waching machine electronic card ,the triac control the draining pump
the BCR2A is controled by a MOC3051 optoisolated triac.


  • moc3051.pdf
    549 KB · Views: 191
  • bt137 datasheet.pdf
    51.2 KB · Views: 189
  • bcr2as-14adatasheet.pdf
    85.5 KB · Views: 199
  • 20200327_184418.jpg
    1.8 MB · Views: 220
Didn't give much chance for a reply did you?.

Try one and see, the original number is almost certainly an in-house number, so completely meaningless - so no way to find out it's specs.

In general triacs are pretty interchangeable, and just powering the pump is pretty low power anyway.
the UController interfaces an ULN2003 wish drives a MOC3051 wish drives the BCR2A (two amps surface mount triac ) that drives a low power draining pump on a washing machine , now if i change the BCR2A with a BT137 through hol triac of 8 amp would that damage the MOC3051 or the U Controller ? if no one knows, a document of triac types and there triggering technics would be very helpful
No it wouldn't damage anything, as I said triacs are VERY interchangeable - even more so when driven by an MOC3051.
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