Reporting bugs in the new siteware.

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Sorry, what I meant was 'are Conversation contents visible to all', i.e. are they private or not?

hi alec,
They will only been viewable by the members named in the Top text box, on the Start a New Conversation window.
Sorry guys that's a permission issue. All fixed. Please note, articles are currently missing a few things and are on the list of thngs to fix


Thanks EM.

Also, im not sure what is going on but sometimes the backspace key will not work, nor the delete key.
It wont delete anything like text in a word. For example if i type:
"The big brown fox humped over the lazy fox."
and then backup to the 'h' and change it to a 'j' and then hit "Post Reply" it works ok. But if i instead hit "Post Reply" and then notice the error, then hit "edit" and then try to edit the 'h', the delete key or the backspace key dont always work. I think if i type other characters first (which i dont really want to do) it might start working again, but i havent experimented with it that much yet.


Ok just tried it again with this very post. What i did was went to edit the text and change that 'h' to a 'j' and what happened was when i position the cursor AFTER the 'h' and hit backspace, nothing happens, and when i position the cursor BEFORE the 'h' and hit delete nothing happens. But when i position the cursor just before the 'h' again and type 'j', then i can hit delete and the old 'h' goes away as expected. So the "Edit Post by MrAL" box requires typing at least one new character before it lets me delete anything. Kind of strange
Is this software actually a new writing too and not just new to this forum?
A few things have been crossed off the list.. I'm especially proud of the latex as I build that completely myself (even has a popup when you click them)!

[LATEX]\int_0^\infty e^{-t} dt = 1[/LATEX]

MrAl: The editor is on the list
Hi there EM,

Oh is Latex working again now? That's nice.

However, it does not seem to be converting OLD messages that have embedded Latex code (see the Latex Math Editor thread for example).


Oh, i went to check one of my articles and found an error trying to get to view it to check for errors:

It was there yesterday
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Good News,

I've now completed the full import of blogs and articles. This was actually a really big task, I had to code an importer from scratch so it's taken a few days..

The blogs are styled very well at the moment, and I'll at some stage make a new landing page that lists the latest blog entries instead of the latest updated blogs. The articles system is pretty powerful and I'm thinking you guys will really like it. It can handle proper ratings and has a specific discussion thread for each. Alot of smaller enhancements for both visitor and creator.

I'm still chipping away at the list and will keep you all posted at further progress.

Good News,

I've now completed the full import of blogs and articles. This was actually a really big task, I had to code an importer from scratch so it's taken a few days..

I should have 3 entries and can only find one.

I guess we are resigned to multiple clicks to get the an actual blog, but is it possible to put the author under the title on the page(s) with the actual material. If you think if a journal, the title and author are in the index, but the author is also included with the article.

It's interesting that Xenforo was written by the 4 original authors of VB and there is considerable noise on the net that VB has gone downhill because they were bought by a larger company. Apparently, one of the big pluses for Xenforo is that it's easier to modify and support responds fast. I saw some websites stats on an upgrade from VB to Xenforo where there was less resources used and less page fetches which they attributed to a better interface especially "one-lick" from the "username" menu. For admins, apparently, there are loads of permissions that can be applied individually.

So, far I am pleased with the upgrade.

Thanks EM.
One thing I do like is when one hits, "Mark Forums Read," that seems to affect only those in the most recent "New Posts List." Therefore, posts made after that search are not marked read. That is a very good addition and was always a small annoyance before.

Well, attachments now work, but my seminal blogs on the Memsic acelerometer and Assembly GLCD using the 16F1519 are not available.

Hi Guys,

I'll start to work on the blogs soon. I plan to add the blog author block on the side like the articles have, as well as make sure all blogs are correctly imported. I'll also get the permissions sorted for the frontpage lists.

Hi EM,
I have the Red Box . Mod Topics' constantly showing, unable to clear it.
If I click on it I get the attached image window.


  • AAesp01.gif
    33.1 KB · Views: 308

I was in process of writing a PM and had already written three-paragraph long message but then my computer crashed. Now I can recover only the first two lines of that message! In the past the auto-save for text editor was really good and it would save the content every few seconds and that's how I was able to retrieve the lost message content whenever my computer crashed without any problem and worry. It would be nice if the auto-save could save the content every few seconds again. Or, at least, please give us some way to save the content manually every few seconds. Thanks.

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