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maybe i should give him a negative reputation and get his bright green icon off of there... if i wanted to be an ________. Please help me fill in the blank!
Dead man? Is that appropriate?

I doubt you giving one measly little negative reputation would take that bright green one away, anyways.
I gave Roff and Mark 256 (wouldnt let me give crusty and Audio rep) postivite rep. It is titled as: LOL TEH PWNT and Mark has LOL TEH PWNT
I just gave Audio positive rep, but it wasn't enough to make any more bright green squares.

I wonder how how far up or down he can swing somones square count with all the squares he has. I best not piss him off or I'll go from one green to 3 reds. lol

When I gave him positive rep he gained three squares! - I was surprised as well, I can only imagine he must have been just on the border line for his next square?.

BTW, there is a numeric reputation level (that I can check), which I presume the squares are derived from?, AudioGuru's is currently at 561 - but I've no idea how that relates to the squares!.
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Nigel Goodwin said:
AudioGuru's is currently at 561 - but I've no idea how that relates to the squares!.

Wow. I wonder how many points differnt square levels are worth then?

I just positive repped you as well, but your count did not chage either. I don't think I have much "power" though, as I only have one rep. That said, in comparison, what is my point level?
Nigel Goodwin said:
When I gave him positive rep he gained three squares! - I was surprised as well, I can only imagine he must have been just on the border line for his next square?.
Your join date is Nov 2003, you've written over 20000 posts, your own rep is high... => your rep power is very high.

Nigel Goodwin said:
BTW, there is a numeric reputation level (that I can check), which I presume the squares are derived from?, AudioGuru's is currently at 561 - but I've no idea how that relates to the squares!.
Yes, the squares and the status (read it moving the mouse over the squares) are derived from that score.

Andy1845c said:
That said, in comparison, what is my point level?
You should see your rep points in your CP.
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I just increased the reputation for two people. It made a big difference for each of them.

Your rep is 23

Audioguru's hasn't changed with your rep added, and mine has leaped to 505 from 324 or so (presumably due to the graces of Audioguru - seeing as he signed it!).

So I would suggest it takes 100 to add a square, with zero giving you the first square.
audioguru said:
I just increased the reputation for two people. It made a big difference for each of them.

Nigel and Roff?

eng1 said:
You should see your rep points in your CP.

Ahh, you are right. I have 23 points. What is the default starting level? 10?

It would be interesting to know how the math works for this. Is it really so complex to take into account the join date and number of posts?
I've got 13 rep points - wayhay lmao.

One positive for my usual wonderful posting manner and one negative from a youngster on here who didn't have a sense of humour at that time (and can't spell either)

We need a Forum... 14th September 2007 10:10 PM Rude, unnessary post
picbits said:
I've got 13 rep points - wayhay lmao.

One positive for my usual wonderful posting manner and one negative from a youngster on here who didn't have a sense of humour at that time (and can't spell either)
If you think that is bad, you should check out mine.
I'm forwarding a dollar to everyone in this thread to increase my rep. Be expecting its arrival somewhat soon. However, I just might wait a bit until Europe raises interest rates to further decline the American dollar. By then it should only cost me 60 cents per person!!
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