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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


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Well-Known Member
I often see a new poster with less than 5 post and already has a reputation marked as BAD. To me this seems silly, how can a first time poster be listed as bad. It would seem obvious that first time posters may not know the rules and proper etiquite of the forum. I would think a little tolerance should be given to new posters, and to brand them as BAD after a few post seems counter productive. After all, increasing the user base is good for the forum, but for the branded ones, they may abandon the site in shame.
I also think the term BAD for reputation is a badge of shame and perhaps a better term should be used such as, change BAD to None. At least none denotes no reputation which is better than the stigma of bad.

People seem to submit bad reps more often than good, so once branded bad it is hard to be redeemed. Just my thoughts. Ban the word BAD :)
If you have a real reputation it precedes you, and not on the forum 'reputation' value.
Don't worry about it, this is an automatically derived value from insufficient data =) If your posts contain content, your reputation will be fine in the long run. So don't take it personal.
The reputation is a rather flawed system and I do not know if a better one is possible.

I do not use the system to give rep because I can only give it by the truckload. It would be nice to give a few points for good work without moving them from 0 to execlent.

I most value the reputation points from people who I have helped. These are most often new people. A gift of plus reputation from them is almost at the noise level.

I agree, this giving bad rep on a posters first few posts is really not nice. When I see what I consider an injustice I try to rectify it but, as 3v0 states, I take them from bad straight to good.

BTW, I just looked at my rep and for some reason 3 people gave me rep on the 9 Feb. I guess I must have been extra nice to people that day.

Looks like Rep is just like busses. Lol.

Seriously, why does it matter?
Is this pure ego, or is there a practical reason? As I said, a reputation expresses itself all on it's own with no effort from the user, and no metric. I have not ever once in the lifespan of my account looked at the persons reputation for reference to ANYTHING. Always it's the content of the post, period,.
Seriously, why does it matter?
Is this pure ego, or is there a practical reason? As I said, a reputation expresses itself all on it's own with no effort from the user, and no metric. I have not ever once in the lifespan of my account looked at the persons reputation for reference to ANYTHING. Always it's the content of the post, period,.

I am sure it matters to the one with the mark of BAD. Also I am sure there are others who see a post sent by someone with this rep and form a prejudged opinion. You are obviously an exception.
Good points!
I am new here and have been wondering how the rep system works myself.
I have been doing my best to answer or provide useful knowledge or info anytime I can.
My fisrt few posts were admittedly not super relative but I have been trying.
I love to help but I as well as everyone else will have bad days or bad points that get shared at times.
I have been checking out allot of the past and present discusions and I see some of the people with the high ratings are the ones peeing all over some new peoples questions.
To me any question is not stupid if it has been asked in an honest way.

I am aware that what is simple everyday to me is often thought of as imposible or impractical by many. That does not make me wrong to talk about it nor does not make someones lack of knowlege a valid reason to avoid it either.
Often times the hardest part of learning something new is facing the fact that what you felt was true up to that point may no longer be true or may need to be changed in some way.
To that point you were not wrong. The information you had available made you right. But when new information comes along ignoring it or belittling it to make yourself feel that you are still right is now making you wrong.
When you dont know something you are usualy not aware that you dont know it!
Just because you found out that you did not know something does not make it not true because you believe its not true.

I am here to learn new things and to help others learn new things as well. Is that not what this site was created for? If its not I will go somewhere else.
I like the idea of removing both Bad and Newbie.

What can we replace them with? I agree with Mikebits that the rep Bad is no good so we could just remove this one.

What is a more politically correct work for Newbie - someone who is new and has not made many posts?
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I like the idea of removing both Bad and Newbie.

What can we replace them with? I agree with Mikebits that the rep Bad is no good so we could just remove this one.

What is a more politically correct work for Newbie - someone who is new and has not made many posts?

Since many first time posters have vast experience. How about Newcomer

new⋅com⋅er**broken link removed** /ˈnuˌkʌm**broken link removed**ər, ˈnyu-/ **broken link removed** Show Spelled Pronunciation [noo-kuhm-er, nyoo-] **broken link removed** Show IPA
–noun a person or thing that has recently arrived; new arrival: She is a newcomer to our city. The firm is a newcomer in the field of advertising.
I didn't see that one coming. But, yes.

Mike, once again your on Target.

Good one.

Notes from the peanut gallery.

Since many first time posters have vast experience. How about Newcomer


I agree. "Newbie" isn't politically incorrect (political correctness is a stupid idea anyway); it's simply incorrect use of the word in this context. "Newcomer" is better.

"Bad" I think fits just fine. The only time I have a problem with it is when someone simply doesn't have a good argument for someone and so hits them with negative rep instead. In other cases, a status of "Bad" is often achieved early in someone's career at the site when they insist on repeatedly acting like a twit or spamming. It's easy enough to repair rep here by simply being a good board citizen.

Personally I think it's all pretty much an inevitable result of having a rep system at all, although I still think it was better and more fun a couple of years ago when there were halfway imaginative tags associated with the rep display (remember when Roff, Uncle $crooge, etc were "Shining Beacons of Light", and not boring old "Excellent"?). It would be pointless to have a rep system where everybody ranks somewhere between "Good" and "Excellent". It's like in schools where we're so afraid that the poor little kiddies will get their feelings hurt that no-one is allowed to fail. But the way it's implemented, I also am one who doesn't like to use it on newer members since I can't affect their rep just a bit--it's all or nothing.

Just my $0.02 CDN,

I see your point Torbin, but if someone truely is bad such as spamming then they should be banned. A new poster who says or ask a stupid question should not be immediately branded as bad.
I see your point Torbin, but if someone truely is bad such as spamming then they should be banned. A new poster who says or ask a stupid question should not be immediately branded as bad.

I absolutely agree! I guess I didn't really address that angle of it. In that case it's definitely undeserved.

Perhaps a training period of some kind, during which rep points don't apply. . .or during which rep points are visible only to the recipient but not reflected publicly? In the latter case I'd think the rep points should be shown to the new user along with an explanation of what they mean, what they don't mean, and so on. Probably a bit of a task to implement here, though. ;)


I like the idea of removing both Bad and Newbie.

What can we replace them with? I agree with Mikebits that the rep Bad is no good so we could just remove this one.

What is a more politically correct work for Newbie - someone who is new and has not made many posts?

I appreciate that you take our input into consideration. Thank you for that. :)
I would say leave the current system as it is. I think problem lies on the single disapproval on the post may immediately lead to a 'bad' from a 'newbie'. So let it to be counted and make at least 3 disapprovals make a newbie to bad which clearly explains than the current system that the poster is really bad. it is difficult for a newbie to get a single reputation to make 'okay'(who cares actually?). Remove the invisible reputation button and put a clearly visible 'thanks' button downside of the text area that adding points to the reputation. I have seen it somewhere. We have seen members who got thousands of post count still on 'newbie'.
I don't think a newly joined member who even hardly knows how to make a thread would ever click on that reputation link even when he really got a good amount of help. What you think guys?
I don't like the word "newbie". I would be all for changing it to "newcomer" "new member" or something.

I haven't seen too many "bad" members. I can think of 2 at the moment. One was flat out rude to one of the friendliest members here in his first topic, and then other was rude and wanted school work handed to him on a silver platter and is now banned. I think both deseved the "bad" branding.

I think the more rep points one has the more affect you have when giving rep. So its not like new members can give other new members bad rep and give them the "bad" mark. That would take a regular member that has some rep points, and I have not seen any evidence that those people are abusing their "rep power".

Unless I am missing something, I would change "newbie" and leave the rest as is.

Just my 2 cents.:)
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Probably too much hassle, but it would be cool if we could pick our own user titles. I have seen this on alot of forums. I don't know if its possible for the users to edit it though, it might just make a lot of work for the admin.
I have wondered for many months now, how a member "gets" a reputation. How is it upgraded? I can guess how/why it is down graded but don't know who or how it's done.
I have wondered for many months now, how a member "gets" a reputation. How is it upgraded? I can guess how/why it is down graded but don't know who or how it's done.

Look under your avator, there are 3 symbols, the centre one is the rep, click on it to give someone a rep mark.

You cant give yourself a rep, only someone elses, click the rep on theirs.....
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Look under your avator, there are 3 symbols, the centre one is the rep, click on it to give someone a rep mark.

You cant give yourself a rep, only someone elses, click the rep on theirs.....

Thanks, eric. I've never know what those symbols meant.:eek:
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