Request circuit alarm

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New Member
Help build the circuit with sound of Ding Ding
This Sound like in this
Voltage of 12 V to work with
Please help me
I need circuit for am

[MODNOTE]Warning!! Persian website... But Its the sound he wants..[/MODNOTE]


  • alarm21.rar
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Somebody probably makes a "ding-dong" sounding IC.
There are complicated ding-dong circuits on the internet. Some of them might work.

My home was built with an American expensive doorbell ding-dong mechanical thingy that used a solenoid to throw a plunger to the "ding" vibrating bar then used a spring to throw the plunger back to the "dong" vibrating plate.
It was not loud enough to hear throughout my home.

I replaced it with a cheap Chinese mechanical one that uses plastic resonant cavities over the vibrating bars for a much louder sound.
My wife and dogs ignored the original one but they bark at the new one. My wife barks at me, "Who is at the door?".
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