Request for pic thermometer code

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Hello all,

I am just starting out with PICs.

I have a few to work with 16f84a, 16f628, 16f88, 16f877a.

I really want to make a thermostat using 16f84 or 16f628.
For the temp probe I want to use DS18s20. And I also want to use a
standard 2x16 LCD.

I have all these components. I have been looking for ages for code or complete project instrutions but have only been able to find projects using
thermisters or led displays.

I have been looking for thermometer projects which I thought I could adapt to utilise extended resolution of the DS18s20 and also adapt to work as a thermostat.

Does anyone know where I can find a PIC thermometer code that uses Dallas temp ic's and 2x16 LCD.


JunglePython said:
Does anyone know where I can find a PIC thermometer code that uses Dallas temp ic's and 2x16 LCD.

My tutorials show how to use an LCD with a 16F628, you're better off sticking to that rather than the obselete 16F84 - all you need to do is add code for reading the Dallas chip.

Here is some code i wrote for the dallas 1621 and 1624 chips, I hope this is usefull to you......

No comebacks if it nukes your project, no warrenties implied etc......

The code is written for 12c508x


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Well, on the other hand, if he has 16F84's lying around, it's better to use them for a project like this (wich will fit in it), and save the '628 for a project wich really needs the more pins and memory...
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