Rescue Robot !!!

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New Member
Hi guys;

I'm gonna make a rescue robot quickly. if u have its circuits & ... , please send me.
sorry, i thought that was your reply ( your site )

I mean that I need some Schematics about a Rescue Robot.
A rescue robot is a robot that has been designed for the purpose of aiding rescue workers. Common situations that employ rescue robots are mining accidents, urban disasters, hostage situations, and explosions. One notable use of rescue robots was in the search for victims and survivors in the remnants of the World Trade Center . The benefits of rescue robots to these operations include reduced personnel requirements, reduced fatigue, and access to otherwise unreachable areas.

YouTube - T-Robots to the rescue.wmv
YouTube - Robotnik Rescue Robot: Rescuer
A rescue robot is a robot that has been designed for the purpose of aiding rescue workers. Common situations that employ rescue robots are mining accidents, urban disasters, hostage situations, and explosions. One notable use of rescue robots was in the search for victims and survivors in the remnants of the World Trade Center . The benefits of rescue robots to these operations include reduced personnel requirements, reduced fatigue, and access to otherwise unreachable areas.
I'm living in Iran.
actually, I'm studying in Mechatronics major. now, I'm gonna participate in a RoboCup and i wanna make a rescuer robot for competition.
This is my first professional project, so i have many problems in making a robot; specially in its mechanic components and devices.
So, if u have some schematics and plans of mechanic about robot, please give me because it can help me in designing.
What are you trying to rescue, an ant or a human? What sort of budget? What kind of sensors? What sort of computer will you use/available? When is it due?
Search and rescue robotic system evaluation is sub-categoried into three tasks:

* Victim Search Task
* Victim Rescue Task
* Search and Rescue Task

Victim Search Task
The victim search task aims at evaluation of the system's capability of finding victims under the debris. Any set of equipments (robot, remote controlled devices, etc) are acceptable. Special categories dedicated for specific aspects of technologies may be created, such as a full autonomous system category.
Field Set Up
A simulated desaster site is created with debris as close as possible within logistical and other practical constraints, as well as to meet evaluation purpose. The size of disaster site for the in-door evaluation may be 5m by 5m. Numbers of debris are randomly set and the simulated victim is located randomly. Victims are simulated by specially designed dolls or objects which may emit sound, body heat, CO2, or other possible cue that actual victims may generate.
Performance of each system is evaluated on several criteria:

* Weighted time average for all victiums found. This corresponds to expected number of victims saved over all victims actually under the debris.
* Recover and Accuracy Rate
o Recover Rate: How many victims does the system identified out of all victims under the debris. If the system found 6 victims out of 10 victims actually under the debris, the system has 60% recovery rate.
o Accuracy: How many identification were correct out of all identifications made by the system. If the system spotted 8 places as victims, and actually only 4 of them are correct, accuracy is 50%.
* Operational Loading. Numbers of operations that has to made by each human operator. This measure evaluate how many equipments can be operated at the time of disaster where human resource is bottleneck.

Overall evaluation function will be provided shortly to linealize the evaluation criteira above.
Victim Rescue Task
The victim rescue task evaluates how quickly the system can pull out victims under the debris without hurting the victim itself. The location of the victim is assumed to be identified, and this benchmark evalute mostly on capability of the robot to safely remove debris and move victims out from the debris, to finally bring him/her to the first aid station.
Field Set Up
Compatible with search task. The in-door field is set up within 5 m by 5m field with debris and simujlated victims. Simulated victims are dolls with special pressure sensors that measures possible damanges imposed on their bodyt during the rescue task.

* Total time to took to rescue all victims
* Total damage imposed on victims
* Expected number of life saved
* Operation Load. Total number of operations made by each human operator during the rescue operation.

Search and Rescue Task
The goal os the search and rescue task is to provide a comprehensive task for search and rescue operation. Basically this is a comobiunation of two tasks mentioned above.
Field Set Up
A simulated desaster site is created with debris as close as possible within logistical and other practical constraints, as well as to meet evaluation purpose. The size of disaster site for the in-door evaluation may be 5m by 5m. Numbers of debris are randomly set and the simulated victim is located randomly. Victims are simulated by specially designed dolls or objects which may emit sound, body heat, CO2, or other possible cue that actual victims may generate. It is also equipped with pressure sensors to measure possible damages imposed to the victim during the operation.
Performance of each system is evaluated on several criteria:

* Weighted time average for all victiums found and rescued. This corresponds to expected number of victims saved over all victims actually under the debris.
* Coverage: How many victims does the system identified out of all victims under the debris. If the system discovered 6 victims out of 10 victims actually under the debris, the system has 60% coverage rate.
* Accuracy: How many identification were correct out of all identifications made by the system. If the system spotted 8 places as victims, and actually only 4 of them are correct, accuracy is 50%.
* Rescue Ratio: How many victims discovered were actually saved? If the system found 10 victims, but are only able to save 5 of them, the rescue ratio is 50%.
* Effective Rescue Ratio: How many victims out of all victims under the debris, the system finally saved?
* Operational Loading: Numbers of operations that has to made by each human operator. This measure evaluate how many equipments can be operated at the time of disaster where human resource is bottleneck.
Sounds very complex and you're going to need some mad skills to have a chance. I have no idea how to go about building something like that in 3 months. I'd look at previous RoboCup contestants robots and ask for advice from them. Or join a robotics club in Iran.
I don't want to dump on anyone's idea, but I don't think you will even be able to get the mechanical components needed for a robot that could seriously help in any kind of rescue for $500, unless your just making a prototype or proof of concept.
You could make some kind of all terrain vehicle that would search for a tracker (RF, IR) and once it found the tracker it could beep or something.
Or visit this links
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Only to drive this museum version require big pile money. No wonder why for example Talon cost too much
Even low cost, expendable MARV (look like toy) still to much expensive
DIY in robotic (not Lego toy or arena robots) not easy at all.
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