Resisntace Word Problem HELP!

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Can anyone Please help me solve this word problem. I was thinking that the resistance would be Infinate cause the grid would be infinate but im not sure

"On an infinite, two-dimensional, rectangular lattice of 1-ohm resistors, what is the resistance between two nodes that are a knight's move away?"
I got 1 ohm. But what does it mean about a knights move away? A knight can move up twice and then over, but this "lattice" only allows it to move up once. Of course the knight could move up once, then over twice, but the word prob says nothing about which one. Am I looking @ this right?
This sounds like an infinite series problem. If you draw a small portion of your resistor lattice and start making an equasion that starts with the most direct path and then start adding in the other paths I bet you'll start to see a patterm. Once you see the pattern you should be able to boil it down to a infinite series problem. You also might be able to come up with a recursive equasion to discribe each path as you add them in. You should then be able to convert it to a differential equasion.

Hope this helps
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