Resume Dilema

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An interesting note about the labor force, the shop is heavily weighted with people my in my age group (say 40-60 yrs. old), now that was a surprise.

Congrats on the job!!. Maybe your employer is tired of employing youngsters that break stuff and have no responsibility....rather us older guys that tend to look after things....

TV Tech
What a wonderful story from cr0sh. ( I don't mean story - as in fantasy).
What a wonderful way with words.
It's nice to see electronics personnel with more than one skill.
So many times I have employed brilliant electronics designers that didn’t have the skill to write-up their project for the magazine I was running.
Now to my point:
I was always being phoned and asked if a position was available for design, assembly, sales etc and on a few occasions I suggested the caller come in with a project he had constructed.
I am talking about students who had just completed 12 years of schooling and are just starting employment and/or wanting an apprenticeship or tertiary schooling with assistance from their employment.
Many of them had hardly built anything and to a few of them I suggested they come in and buy/build a miniature computer we had designed and take it with them to an interview.
I must admit this is going back 25 years, but the feedback was impressive.
They phoned back to say were employed almost “on the spot.”
This leads me to my suggestion.
If you have designed a project, why not send it along with your 5-page resume. It will stand-out and will give the interviewer something to talk about. The whole idea is to “cut the ice” and turn the attention “off you” and highlight what you CAN DO.
It might cost $10.00 in parts but it advances you to the next level.
I remember one caller asking about a vacancy and he suggested he would work for free for a week just to prove his capability.
This was the initiative I was looking for.
He stood out from the crowd.
Of course I knew I could not employ him at no cost, but the mere offer was too good to pass up.
He turned out to be just as brilliant as his offer. But without that offer, he would have been passed-over.
You need something to “stand out” when you are competing with others this is one of my suggestions.
Well congratulations. Best wishes for success as you begin a new position.

1 or 2 pages is plenty. You're writing a summary, not a novel.

My daughter had to write a resume to apply for her fourth year Chemistry degree 'year in industry' - they were told TWO PAGES - if it was two pages and one more word, it was rejected and returned to be redone

It must have been OK, she managed to get on her first choice, and while her second choice initially rejected her, they later contacted her with an offer. Even a choice she didn't apply for contacted her with an offer as well, as they had her resume, but she decided not to apply there.
Ok I think this is heading out of the realm of "having an epic resume" and into the realm of "being a really hot looking chick".

No pictures on resumes

In fact the interviewers (actually by phone) presumed she was a man from her resume - the interviewers were (if I remember correctly) a German, and a Russian, working for an American company based in the Netherlands As she writes her name as 'Mel' instead of Melissa there was less evidence of her sex - and they presumed male based on her experience (3rd Dan black belt, scuba diver, rock musician etc.)
3rd Dan black belt, scuba diver, rock musician etc.

I will stay far away from your daughter Nigel...

Even if she says I am cool...I would be way too scared to even greet her on a street.

Rather look the other way...and pretend I never saw her.....You have created a lethal weapon...
Chuck Norris in a dress but waaay prettier.. WOW. A bit of fun here and there does not hurt anybody

Tv Tech

Soldier on friend
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most of us are in the same age group where i work, except for the PC techs who are a bit younger.
1 or 2 pages is plenty. You're writing a summary, not a novel.
Short is good.
At one time I listed every little thing.
Now I list number of patents=X, papers=Y. I only list some of the companies I did designs for.
I think next time I will say: 35 years as engineer/engineering manager for A, B and C companies.

Leave something to the imagination! This gives the interviewer something to ask.
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