Retrain me again.

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**broken link removed** **broken link removed** **broken link removed** I always have trouble with new parts in LtSpice.
This is my latest. It is just a triac. I put my new parts in a folder named new. Renamed the sub file as .sub and text.
Here are the screen shots and the sub file. Can someone bail me out again?


  • MCR703AT4.txt
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  • errmsg.png
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The .sub file should be in the sub folder. The .asy file can be in the asy folder or a child thereof.
Thanks Alec,
The sub file is in the sub folder. New/MCR703AT4.sub
The symbol is in the sym folder. New/MCR703AT$.asy
I think this is ok. I have lots of working parts in this way so I don't need include statements. But maybe it doesn't work if the part has it's own symbol.


  • MCR703AT4.txt
    2.8 KB · Views: 262
Hmmm. Guess I can't do custom symbols that way. It works with the include statement - just a pain.
Thanks Alec
I thought the 'New/' would confuse LTS and it wouldn't find your model.sub unless that's in the ..../lib/sub folder? Good if it works for you; I'll have to try it some time.
If you've made a custom symbol you can open the .sym file and edit the properties to specify the model file (assumed by LTS to be in .../lib/sub). Then you won't need to .include it unless you want other people to be able to use any .asc file which incorporates the symbol.
If you don't want to mess around creating a symbol, LTspice has its own symbol generator. Open up the spice model text file in LTspice, right click over the .SUBCKT line and select Create Symbol.

The symbol can then be found in the Autogenerated Directory. Just click on the AND gate symbol, bring up the components directory, then select Autogenerated directory. The component will be in there. It don't look too pretty, but it will get you going

Here is what you need to do:
1. Copy MCR703AT4.txt file to your "New" folder
2. Copy SCR.asy from the LTSpice MISC folder to your "New" folder
3. Rename SCR.asy to MCR703AT4.asy
4. Launch LTSpice, open and edit MCR703AT4.asy
Left click "SCR" label and change to "MCR703AT4"
Edit attributes, click ModelFile field and add "MCR703AT4.txt"
5. Save and close the symbol.

Make sure your schematic file is also located in the "New" folder.
Open the schematic, click the add component icon, change the Top Directory to your "New" folder, then select the new part.

See attached...

That's it....



  • TriacSchem.png
    50.4 KB · Views: 273
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