ReUse the Ancients II

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Active Member
I've got lots of those abominable transformers from old radios and stuff ( The ones which step down 240 Vac to electronics scale) And I also got lots of Neo-mags extracted from very old hard drives. (The big ones with only 1.5 GB disc space.. )

Is it better to use the transformers with their iron core if I wanted to make them as stator coils for a generator? What is the best orientation i.e position of the coil facing the moving Neo-Mag?

I've built a generator before, generating 30 V DC after rectification and smoothing at 3000 rpm, it's just that the analysis about efficiency, PF and all that isn't done., but I completely isolated the generator from any iron proximity by only using plastic as the structure, since the reluctance of the armature (Neo mag ones) increases amazingly with any of them nearby.
okay my question is badly phrased, I get it. Just take a look at the diagram attached. This is how I plan to build it.

The problem is, iron cores produce an amazing reluctance due to the Neodymium magnets' strength, and I was wondering if it is better to omit the iron cores.


  • transformer generator.JPG
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