Reverse audio in relative real time??

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Is there a way that anyone can think of, to reverse audio in real time?. Im not talking about inverting it, like a lot of projects on the web, I mean reverse it . It doesnt matter the lag time in processing it. An example would be "hello its Kim" to "mik sti olleh"
Whatcha think??
Well you can't do it in real time, as it doesn't exist until it's finished - so you've got to record it, detect the end somehow, and then play it backwards from the end.

If you can press a button to signify the end it should be pretty easy.
can it be contunuously be marking an output, and playing it back, picking it up where it left off. Im sorry, its difficult to explain...
can it be contunuously be marking an output, and playing it back, picking it up where it left off. Im sorry, its difficult to explain...

Try it with your username:


You can't reverse it until you've got to the final 'r'.
And if you speak just a single letter, does it still, in the concept of what you want to do, sound like that single letter or is the pronunciation reversed (like playing an audio track backwards)?
The nearest possible would be to store each word or phrase, until there was a gap / silence in the speech, then output the stored fragment reversed.
Ok, Nigel, this is why your are so damn smart....that example explained it perfectly. ok, so lets say that I have a stored fragment, about a minute long, how would I go about reversing it. I really dont want to use tape, and a mechanical recorder, which Im certain is going to come up soon, from someone.

Write it into digital memory, and then play it out backwards.

There are phone apps that do what you want anyway.
some streaming voice encryption devices do something similar for use over radio where audio is sampled for two to five seconds at a time into a memory, split into 100millisecond chunks, and the chunks rearranged at the input to the radio
An example would be "hello its Kim" to "mik sti olleh"
there was a weird TV series in the late 1980s/early 1990s called "Twin Peaks", which often had dream sequences which were filmed, and the script was all backwards. then when it was edited into the show the whole sequence was played backwards, and all the dialogue was forwards english, but with a weird backwards feel to it because all the consonants in the words had the consonant sounds backwards....
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