Reverse Engineer Keypad

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Well-Known Member
A friend of mines brought me a T-MOBILE DASH broken... he said have fun ... so i took it about and love the keypad. Im in the mix of reverse engineering it and wanted to ask if anyone wants the pinout and stuff for keypad when im done ?

LED on keypad takes 5v like a charm too!

I took connector off main PCB of phone. Its .5mm pitch.. i made a eagle part for it...
added a picture:


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oK I mapped all the buttons ... now i need to rewrite it so everyone can understand. Then i might make a schematic on how i think everything is connected. Then ill ask for some help on making a decoder program in C

This is ugly but ill rewrite soon as a spreadsheet and convert to PDF and share on the web...

Also i might tackle the Sidekick next...

I have a Sidekick LX and a Sidekick Slide... which should i do ?


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Ok here is the cleared up pinout:

23 and 24 are common to the UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGH and CENTER buttons... most likely a GND type pin


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Ok here is my schematic of the layout... im not sure about leds so left it alone..


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while this was a fun little project. Im looking at the sidekick keyboard and feel its larger and would be much nicer to use than this one. So Ill stop here on this. But the schematic and pinout is available in this post for all
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