Reverse Mount Ambient Light Sensor Reverse Mount?

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For The Popcorn

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I want to reverse-mount (i.e., mounted on the back of a pcb looking forward through a hole in the board) an Everlight Electric ambient light sensor similar to the one pictured.

The datasheet doesn't mention doing this, but from the picture, the contacts wrap around the ends of the package in such a way that the sensor element would extend into the hole and the contacts would rest properly on the pads.

I plan to have the boards assembled at JLCPCB, so I'd explain what I want, and if they balk at doing it this way, I've just have them skip it and do it myself.

Do you see any problems with this idea? Anything I've overlooked?

I can't see any reason why that wouldn't work, but you might have trouble getting it assembled on a pick and place machine.

The sensors are packaged in plastic tape. This is from the data sheet:-

Once the cover tape is removed the sensors are picked up by a vacuum nozzle, and then placed on the board. Pick and place machines can rotate the components about a vertical axis, but not a horizontal axis, so it's not possible to get them turned over.

You will have to fit them by hand, unless you can find a version that is supplied the other way up in the tape.

There are reverse mount LEDs available. Some appear to be exactly the same items as the forward mount versions, and the only difference is how they are supplied in the tape.
I think there won't be a problem as long as you make sure the hole is bigger than the light sensor and the contacts can be rested properly on the pads. If you are not sure if the PCBA supplier can unstand your idea clearly,you can show them a sample for reference.
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