reversing radar

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New Member
hi i have an important home work and it's about simulating a circuit of reversing radar for cars
i am using for this circuit maker 2000 , and i am a beginner

so basically i couldn't find any of the components in it except for resisitors
i was hopping that you could help me a little

in the attachments you'll find my work + the circuit ( in french ,the components are in the last page)
i hope you can help me to add the missing components (i put random diodes and transistors )


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i see nothing exotic there, very common parts. i have at least one of the sensors kicking around.
looks like it is sold out in France. when in need, check octoparts:

btw the sensor is not that good, at least i was not impressed. i would definitely NOT consider it as distance measuring sensor. there are better options. for example if i was doing that project, i'd use ultrasound. ping sensors are readily available and easily interfaced to a microcontroller. if youwant real deal get them with sealed face so they are moisture resistant. in fact this is exactly what you can see on many modern vehicles. you get greater range, much nicer response etc.
you didn't understand !
i already have all the parts , but i need to do the simulation first with circuit maker 2000 , but i couldn't find the components in the software
I believe all of the component models you need for that circuit are available in Circuit Make or on-line, except for the Sharp sensor. I don't use Circuit Maker, but in LT Spice, you could simulate the sensor's output with a defined waveform.

Aside from the sensor, which specific components can you not find?

i agree with jpanhalt,

i am not familiar with that software but in general simulators dont care about voltage rating of capacitors. just use any capacitor and set value to 4.7uF. for semiconductors you can use similar parts and adjust parameter that differs (such as hfe or Vf). your software should have description and/or tutorial on customizing parts.
the problem sir , is this is my first time with simulating or dealing with electronics at all , this is not my homework this is for my license degree i don't how it is called in english but in french it is called (Mémoire du fin d'étude)
i need to do the simulation and build the circuits in 14 days from now
so please help me a little bit

can you please see the circuits ( it is in the pdf file in the zip file in the attachemnts ) and if you could build the simulation with the another software it would be great or at least help me with circuit maker
you could just build the circuit, it's only few parts.
is the simulation part requirement for your degree (maybe to be used in report)?

btw. general practice on this forum is to encourage people looking for help to put some effort themselves and explain their steps.
help is offered to correct mistakes and guide them toward solution or explain concepts they may struggle with.

You cannot be newcomer to electronics, the exam is "Memory of the end of the study" (courtesy of google translator).
If this is part of your education and requirement to obtain degree, you must have already learned quite a bit.

For example you got some software and have issues that few parts may not be part of the library.
Did you check help file or manual on how to create custom parts? Where do you get stuck?

You should ask specific questions. 'help me get a degree in 14 days' is not exactly proper one
:s i am sorry , i'll explain
all what we saw in the study in ohm law , V= RI
electronic it is not really my specialty , i study Instrumentation pertroliere (in French) and i choosed the wrong subject to study !
we never did any simulation or build any circuits , my responsable teacher is away in another country and left me alone
all i asked is how to build parts like "transistors (BC550C & BD139) ,diodes(BAT85) , Capacitors (4,7μF/63 V ceramique and the other /25 v) " with circuit maker because i am new at this
i couldn't find them in it , and i don't want to do the simulation with just any diode or transistors
and i don't want to use another software because i can't effort buy thee license to use it

and the simulation != the degree because i need to build the circuits and write a 40 page report of what i did
so basically you are just helping me a little bit
i already wrote 20 page (theory part ) and i need to so the simulation then build the circuits by myself and finally finish my report

so please this is my last reply , if i can't get the parts here I'll go find another way
LTspice is a an excellent simulation package and it is free. (
this is something many people here use and you should be able to get more support for it.
how are you planing to build the circuit? breadboard/pcb? this will work fine on breadboard too.
what kind of tools do you have? do you at least have multimeter?
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