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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

revew code please

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New Member
i build project using 16f877 and seiko lcd (l167100j00) 1x16 char.
i try long hard but only get 8 digits to display. i sur it only minor problem for someone knowing more than me. hoping to get answer.
my grateful for help. sorry bad english,hope you able understand.


/ / nom: metal.C
/ / date: 07 / 08 / 2004
/ / version: 1.00
/ / circuit: circuit final detecteur pi
/ / auteur: sj
/ / micro: pic16f877 7.3728mhz - > tcycl = 0.5425 us
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
#include "metal.h"
#include "lcd.h"
/ / #include "string.h"

/ / fusibles de configuration, eeprom interne(256 octets), n°identification
__config(wdtdis & hs & pwrten & unprotect & bordis & lvpdis & debugdis) ;

/ / eeprom interne: 256 octets max
/ / __eeprom_data(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) ;

#Define version1 "* Seb PI Metal *\n\r"
#Define version2 "(c)by Seb 07-08-2004\n\r"

/ / __idloc(1234) ;

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / macro blocage interruptions
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ *
static Bit tmpgie2; / / flag pour GIE
#Define flag_gie_save2 tmpgie2 = 0;if(GIE) tmpgie2 = 1;gie = 0;
#Define flag_gie_rest2 If(tmpgie2) GIE = 1;
/ / Save + rest = 7 rom
* /

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / thus all the 'persistent' variables will be kept together, and you can
/ / get the bounds of this psect from the following declarations:
/ / pour stockage permanent en eeprom des variables utiliser:
/ / read_from_eeprom(_lnvram, _hnvram - _lnvram) ;
/ / write_to_eeprom(_lnvram, _hnvram - _lnvram) ;
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
extern char _lnvram[], _hnvram[];

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / essayer de passer sur 7bits!!!!
/ / * definition des 8 caracteres en cg - ram * / /
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Const char cg_ram[] =
{0x0e, 0x11, 0x0e, 0x14, 0x0f, 0x04, 0x1a, 0x02, / / 0x00 bon.gauche
0x0e, 0x11, 0x0e, 0x05, 0x1e, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x08, / / 0x01 bon.droit
0x0e, 0x11, 0x0e, 0x04, 0x1f, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x11, / / 0x02 bon.milieu
0x20, 0x20, 0x15, 0x20, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, / / 0x03 continu =
0x20, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x20, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, / / 0x04 alternatif ~_
0x18, 0x14, 0x14, 0x18, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x03, / / 0x05 continu DC
0x08, 0x14, 0x1c, 0x14, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x03, / / 0x06 alternatif ac
0x04, 0x04, 0x0e, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x04, 0x04, / / 0x07 resistance
0x00 / / fin

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / parametres de reglage du debit du port serie
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / (BRGH = 1) SPBRG = fosc / (16 * baudrate) - 1
Const char debitspbrg[] =
/ / { 103, 51, 16, 8, 0}; / / 16mhz
/ / { 155, 77, 25, 12}; / / 24mhz
{ 47, 23, 7, 3}; / / 7.3728mhz
/ / 9600 19200 57600 115200

#Define debitinit 3 / / 115kbps

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / variables main + isr
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
#Define tmr1_set 0b00110000 / / prescaler 1: 8, osc off, fosc / 4, stop timer1
#Define tmr1_set1 0b00000000 / / prec 1: 1, osc off, fosc / 4, stop tmr1

#Define intcon_set 0b01000000 / / GIE = 0, pie unmasked

#Define option_set 0b10101000 / / prescaler 1: 1 sur RA4

unsigned char tmr1h2; / / timer High nb2 - > compteur 16777216
/ / unsigned char hh = 0, mm = 0, ss = 0; / / horloge

bank1 volatile char bufferrx[80]; / / tampon de reception rs232
#Define sizeofbufferrx 80
unsigned char indexrx = 0; / / index de position dans bufferrx
unsigned char carrx = 0; / / dernier caractere recu
static Bit bufferrxovf; / / '1' si overflow bufferRX

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / initialise le timer 1 pour des temporisations
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / temporisation 16 bits tmr1h2 - TMR1H
/ / horloge: 24mhz = > 0.166us soit 6.000.000 * 0.166us = 1s
/ / = = > timer1: prescale 1: 8 = > 6.000.000 / 8 = 750.000
/ / = = > tmr1h2 = > 15 * 50.000 = 750.000
/ / 65536 - 50000 = 0x3cb0
init_tmr1() {
tmr1h2 = 256 - 15;
TMR1IF = 0;
TMR1H = 0x3c;
TMR1L = 0xb0;
T1CON = tmr1_set; / / 0b00110000 = prescaler 1: 8, osc off, fosc / 4, stop timer1
TMR1ON = 1;
/ / activer PIE1 + GIE dans INTCON, TMR1IE dans PIE1,

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / interruptions
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Interrupt
isr(void) {
If(TMR1IF) { / / horloge(duree de fonctionnement)
TMR1H = 0x3c;
TMR1L = 0xb0;
tmr1h2 + + ;
If(tmr1h2 = = 0) {
tmr1h2 = 256 - 15;
/ / led1 = !led1;
TMR1IF = 0; / / efface le flag isr

/ * If(T0IF) {
/ / TMR0 = tmr0_set; efface le compteur
/ / tmr0high + + ;
T0IF = 0; / / efface le flag isr
} * /

If(RCIF) { / / reception rs232 = > bufferrx
If(OERR = = 1) { / / overrun error
CREN = 0;
CREN = 1;
carrx = rcreg;
carrx = rcreg;
bufferrx[indexrx] = carrx;
indexrx + + ;
If(indexrx >= sizeofbufferrx) {
indexrx = 0;
bufferrxovf = 1;
/ / bootloader
If(bufferrx[0] = = 'A') {

RCIF = 0;
GIE = 0;
/ / tempo 1 / 15s = 65ms(configurer cd2m avec 10 try a 65ms)
TMR1H = 0x3c;
TMR1L = 0xb0;
led1 = 1;
led2 = 1;
While(!tmr1if) ;
led1 = 0;
led2 = 0;
asm("ljmp 0x0000") ; / / = = > bootloader(reset)
led2 = !led2;
/ / echo caractere recu
While(TRMT = = 0) ; / / attendre que le tampon soit vide
TXREG = carrx; / / emet le caractere echo
RCIF = 0; / / reset flag isr


/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / initialisation des parametres
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
init_system(void) {
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = initialisation des ports i / o = = = = = = = = = = = = =
PORTA = 0; / / sorties PORTA a 0
PORTB = 0; / / sorties PORTB a 0
/ / PORTC = 0; / / sorties PORTC a 0
PORTC & = 0xc0; / / sorties PORTC a 0 sauf RC6 / 7
PORTD = 0; / / sorties PORTD a 0
PORTE = 0; / / sorties PORTE a 0

/ / ADCON0 = 0xc5;
ADCON0 = 0x85; / / 0b10000101(fosc / 32, RA0, GO, 0, a / D On)
/ / ADCON1 = 0x0e; / / 0b00001110(left justify(8bits), RA0 ana)
ADCON1 = 0b10000010; / / (right justify(10bits), RA0 - 5 ana)

TRISA = trisaconf; / / '1' entree ; '0' sortie
TRISB = trisbconf; / / '1' entree ; '0' sortie
TRISC = triscconf; / / '1' entree ; '0' sortie
TRISD = trisdconf; / / '1' entree ; '0' sortie
TRISE = triseconf; / / '1' entree ; '0' sortie

/ / #Define option_set 0b10101000 / / prescaler 1: 1 sur RA4
option = 0b00000000; / / charge masque registre option = > pull - up On RB

/ / = = = = = = = = = configuration des interruptions = = = = = = = = = = / /
PIE1 = 0b00100001; / / RCIE(usart rx) + timer1
PIE2 = 0b00000000;
RCIF = 0;
INTCON = 0b01000000; / / masque interruption, GIE + pie

/ / = = = = = = = = = initialisation des peripheriques = = = = = = = = = / /
bobi = 1; / / bobine off
cmd_samp = 1; / / 4066 off

init232(debitspbrg[debitinit]) ; / / port serie, 115kbds, pas de parite, 8bits, 1 stop
/ / / / tempo(3) ; / / tempo 0.5ms
init_tmr1() ;

lcd_init() ; / / init lcd 4 bits
lcd_putcmd(0x40) ; / / chargement des caracteres redefinis
lcd_puts(cg_ram) ; / / en cgram
lcd_clear() ; / / efface le lcd(added by cgram)

GIE = 1; / / interruptions On

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / initialisation affichage introduction
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
init_intro(void) {
unsigned char cpt;

version() ; / / tx232_puts: version1, version2
tx232( '>'); // prompt
/ / / lcd_bitmap(bmp0) ; / / seb scope
/ / tempo_x65ms(50) ;

lcd_putcmd(disp_on) ;
lcd_clear() ;
lcd_putchar(0x00) ;
/ / 12345678901234567890
lcd_puts("PI metal Detect SJ\x01\x02") ;
tempo_x65ms(18) ;

lcd_clear() ;
lcd_puts("by Seb 02-13(c)2005") ;
tempo_x65ms(15) ;

lcd_clear() ;
/ / test 12v ######

/ / 12345678901234567890
lcd_puts(" Battery Test !!") ;
For(cpt = 8; cpt > 0; cpt - -) {
lcd_putcmd(disp_off) ;
tempo_x65ms(3) ;
lcd_putcmd(disp_on) ;
/ / beepxkhz(0) ;
tempo_x65ms(5) ;

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / detection bootloader
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ * test_loader() {
If(RCIF) {
If(rx232() = = 'A') {
lcd_off() ;
asm("ljmp 0x0000") ; / / reset
} * /

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / info de version rs232
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
version(void) {
tx232_puts(version1) ;
tx232_puts(version2) ;

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / decodage commande rs232
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/ / main
/ / reglage r12(pot droit): ajuster pour avoir pb = 500
/ / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
#Define nbmenu 5
main(void) {
unsigned char i = 0, fpwm = 255, / / 255 = > 450hz
menu = 0;
/ / 165, 165, 45, 4
/ / 148, 78, 133, 31
/ / 150, 78, 33, 35 / / transfo
/ / 188, 78, 33, 135 / / bat
/ / 138, 78, 33, 135
/ / 120, 67, 38, 216 bob2 transfo
unsigned char m_pulse = 154, / / duree de l 'impulsion (us)
m_wait = 35, / / pause apres impulsion(us)
m_samp = 40, / / acquisition(4066)(us)
m_wait_short = 240, / / pause apres acquisition(us)

m_wait_long = 45; / / 35 / / 4; / / pause entre 2 pulses(ms)
/ / us * 0.855us = > vrai us

unsigned int ana_out, / / signal detection metal 2
ana_pb, / / filtre passe - bas
ana_samp, / / signal detection metal 1
ana_12v, / / surveillance + 9v(batterie)
ana_15v, / / surveillance + 15v(icl7660)
tmpint, / / pour moyenne ana
zero_out, / / zero ana_out
zero_pb; / / zero ana_pb

/ / configurations des entrees / sorties
/ * SPBRG = 0x00; / / #corrige bug bootload
TXSTA = 0x02;
RCSTA = 0x00; * /
init_system() ;

/ / affichage de l 'INTRODUCTION
init_intro() ;

lcd_clear() ;
init_pwm() ;

For(;;) {

If(bufferrxovf = = 1) {
bufferrxovf = 0;
tx232_puts("\n\rBuffer Overflow !\n\r>") ;

If((carrx = = '\n')||(carRX=='\r')) {
parse232() ;

/ / 10khz

ana_out = 0;
ana_pb = 0;
ana_samp = 0;

GIE = 0;
/ / faire 5 pulses de stabilisation
For(i = 64 + 5; i! = 0; i - -) { / / 32
bobi = 0; / / bobine On
delayus(m_pulse) ;
bobi = 1; / / bobine off
delayus(m_wait) ;
cmd_samp = 0; / / 4066 On
delayus(m_samp) ;

/ / conversions analogique 10bits.. .
adc_read(ana_out, &tmpint) ; / / signal detection metal 2
If(i <= 64) ana_out + = tmpint;
adc_read(ana_pb, &tmpint) ; / / filtre passe - bas
If(i <= 64) ana_pb + = tmpint;
adc_read(ana_samp, &tmpint) ; / / signal detection metal 1
If(i <= 64) ana_samp + = tmpint;

cmd_samp = 1;
delayus(m_wait_short) ;
GIE = 1;
/ / duree = ((m_pulse + m_wait + m_samp + m_wait_short) *.855us + 5us * 3) * 64
/ / duree = [17300us;56000us]
/ / ana(1ch) = 32 / 7.3728e6

ana_samp = ana_samp > > 6; / / div 64 / / 32 > > 5
ana_out = ana_out > > 6; / / div 64 / / 32
ana_pb = ana_pb > > 6; / / div 64 / / 32

/ / affichage 10bits = > 2^10 = 1024 max
/ / 12345678901234567890
/ / o = xxxx S = xxxx ????
lcd_goto(0x08) ; / / position 0(ligne 1)
lcd_puts("O=") ;
lcd_uint(ana_out, 2) ;
lcd_puts(" P=") ;
lcd_line2() ; / / revised
lcd_puts("=") ; / / inutile: transitions trop rapide(revised)
lcd_uint(ana_pb, 9) ;

switch(menu) {
case 0: / / m_pulse
lcd_puts(" pu=") ;
lcd_uchar(m_pulse, 17) ;
case 1: / / m_wait
lcd_puts(" wa=") ;
lcd_uchar(m_wait, 17) ;
case 2: / / m_samp
lcd_puts(" sa=") ;
lcd_uchar(m_samp, 17) ;
case 3: / / m_wait_short
lcd_puts(" ws=") ;
lcd_uchar(m_wait_short, 17) ;
case 4: / / m_wait_long
lcd_puts(" wl=") ;
lcd_uchar(m_wait_long, 17) ;
case 5: / / zero_out - ana_out
lcd_puts(" D=") ;
lcd_uint(fpwm, 16) ;


/ / fpwm = 115200 / (PR2 + 1) = > [450hz - 115khz]
/ / fpwm = ana_samp > > 2;
If(ana_out >= zero_out + 2) { / / ana_out - zero_out > 2 / / 3
fpwm = 70 + (((zero_out - ana_out) > > 0) < < 1) ; / / > > 1 < < 2 / / 100 + / / (((ana_pb - zero_pb) > > 3) < < 2) ;
Else {
fpwm = 0;
update_pwm(fpwm) ;

/ / conversion ana 12v 15v
adc_read(ana_15v, &ana_15v) ; / / surveillance + 15v(icl7660)
adc_read(ana_12v, &ana_12v) ; / / surveillance + 9v(batterie)

If(!bp_up) {
/ / fpwm + + ;
/ / m_pulse + + ;
/ / While(!bp_up) ;
switch(menu) {
case 0: m_pulse + + ;
case 1: m_wait + + ;
case 2: m_samp + + ;
case 3: m_wait_short + + ;
case 4: m_wait_long + + ;
If(!bp_down) {
/ / fpwm - -;
/ / m_pulse - -;
/ / While(!bp_down) ;
switch(menu) {
case 0: m_pulse - -;
case 1: m_wait - -;
case 2: m_samp - -;
case 3: m_wait_short - -;
case 4: m_wait_long - -;
If(!bp_enter) {
/ / lcd_puts("bp ENTER") ;
/ / tx232_puts("test BP ENTER\n\r") ;
menu + + ;
If(menu > nbmenu) menu = 0;
While(!bp_enter) ;
If(!bp_esc) {
menu - -;
If(menu = = 255) menu = nbmenu;
While(!bp_esc) ;
If(!bp_zero) {
/ / 12345678901234567890
/ / 12v = xxxx 15v = xxxx ????
zero_out = ana_out;
zero_pb = ana_pb;
lcd_clear() ;
lcd_puts("12V=") ;
lcd_uint(ana_12v, 4) ;
lcd_puts(" *15V=") ;
lcd_uint(ana_15v, 14) ;
/ * lcd_puts(" O=") ; / / valeur zero_out
lcd_uint(zero_out, ??) ; * /
While(!bp_zero) ;
lcd_clear() ;

/ / While((bp_port & bp_mask) ! = bp_mask) ; / / antirebond

/ / test bp puis timeout timer0 / 1 / 2??

delayms(m_wait_long) ; / / ??

} / / fin du For(;;)


/ / eof / /


// NOM: lcd.c
// Date: 02/08/2004
// Version: 1.00
// Circuit: circuit final PI detect
// Auteur: SJ
// Micro: PIC16F877 7.3728MHz -> tcycl = 0.5425us
// Revision: correction rw_start_eeprom
#include "lcd.h"

/*static bit tmpGIE; // flag pour GIE
#define FLAG_GIE_SAVE tmpGIE = 0;if (GIE) tmpGIE = 1;GIE = 0;
#define FLAG_GIE_REST if (tmpGIE) GIE = 1;*/

//volatile unsigned char touche;

#define LCD_INIT_VALUE 0x30

#define FREQ_MULT (FOSC)/(4000000L)

// Temporisation pour le LCD
// x * 1us ( DelayUs(200) = 170.9us)

DelayUs(unsigned char x) {
unsigned char tmp;
for(tmp = x>>1; tmp!=0; tmp--) {


DelayMs(unsigned char cnt)
unsigned char i;
while (cnt--) {
for (i=5 ;i!=0 ;i--) {
DelayUs(234); // Adjuster pour 200us

tempo_x65ms(unsigned char nbr){
while(nbr--) {

// LCD HD44780 4 bits MSB sur PORTD
// initialisation du LCD
LCD_RS = 0;
LCD_EN = 0;

DelayMs(5); //#TEMPO
LCD_DATA = 0x20; // Set 4-bit mode

lcd_putcmd(0x28); // Function Set

lcd_putcmd(0x01); //Display Clear *1
lcd_putcmd(0x0C); //Display On
lcd_putcmd(0x06); //Entry Mode
lcd_putcmd(0x0C); //Disp On

/*lcd_putcmd(CLR_DISP); // clr Home
lcd_putcmd(DISP_ON); // display on clign off
lcd_putcmd(ENTRY_INC); // pas de decalage
lcd_putcmd(DISP_ON); // display on*/
DelayMs(25); // ajout sinon PB cgRam

// Lecture LCD (sans attente)
unsigned char
unsigned char c, readc;


LCD_RW = 1; // Read LCD
asm("nop"); // short propagation delay
asm("nop"); // short propagation delay

LCD_STROBE_READ(readc); // Read high nibble
// Move 4 bits to high nibble while zeroing low nibble
c = ( ( readc << 4 ) & 0xF0 );
LCD_STROBE_READ(readc); // Read low nibble
c |= readc & 0x0F ; // Or in 4 more bits to low nibble

LCD_RW = 0; // Return to default mode of writing LCD
LCD_TRIS = LCD_TRIS_OUT; // Return to default mode of writing LCD

// Check Busy : Boucle tant que le LCD n'est pas pret (ou timeout)
// To avoid hanging forever in event there's a bad or
// missing LCD on hardware. Will just run SLOW, but still run.
unsigned char retry;
unsigned char c;

for (retry=255; retry!=0; retry--) {
c = lcd_read_cmd_nowait();
if ((c&0x80)==0x00) break; // Check busy bit. If zero, no longer busy

// ecrit une commande sur le LCD
lcd_putcmd(unsigned char c)
//DelayMs(5); //#TEMPO AJUSTER
LCD_RS = 0;
LCD_DATA &= 0x0F;
LCD_DATA |= (c & 0xF0);
LCD_DATA &= 0x0F;
LCD_DATA |= (c << 4);

// ecrit un caractère sur le LCD
lcd_putchar(unsigned char c){
//DelayMs(5); //#TEMPO AJUSTER
LCD_RS = 1;
LCD_DATA &= 0x0F;
LCD_DATA |= (c & 0xF0);
LCD_DATA &= 0x0F;
LCD_DATA |= (c << 4);
LCD_RS = 0;

// ecrit une string de caracteres sur le LCD
lcd_puts(const char * s){
while(*s) lcd_putchar(*s++);

// Clear and home the LCD
DelayMs(10); // 2ms

// convertit un nombre hexadecimal en ascii
unsigned char
hexa2ascii(unsigned char tmp){
tmp += 0x30;
if (tmp>0x39) tmp+=7;
return tmp;

// convertit un nombre ascii en hexa
unsigned char
ascii2hexa(unsigned char tmp){
tmp -= 0x30;
if (tmp>0x09) tmp-=7;
return tmp;

// ecrit un nombre en hexa sur le LCD
lcd_hexa(unsigned char c){
lcd_putchar( hexa2ascii(c >> 4) );
lcd_putchar( hexa2ascii(c & 0x0F) );

// ecrit un espace a la place d'un '0'
lcd_putchar_0(unsigned char car, unsigned char* zero){
unsigned char tmp;
if ((car=='0')&&(*zero==0)) tmp = ' ';
else {
tmp = car;

// ecrit un unsigned char sur le LCD
lcd_uchar(unsigned char u, unsigned char pos){
unsigned char Dtemp, zero=0;
lcd_putchar_0(u/100+0x30, &zero); // cent (elimine '0' non significatif)
Dtemp = u%100;
lcd_putchar_0(Dtemp/10+0x30, &zero); // dix
lcd_putchar(Dtemp%10+0x30); // unite

// ecrit un unsigned int sur le LCD
lcd_uint(unsigned int u, unsigned char pos){
unsigned char zero=0;
unsigned int Dtemp;
lcd_putchar_0(u/1000+0x30, &zero); // mille (elimine '0' non significatif)
Dtemp = u%1000;
lcd_putchar_0(Dtemp/100+0x30, &zero); // cent
Dtemp = u%100;
lcd_putchar_0(Dtemp/10+0x30, &zero); // dix
lcd_putchar(Dtemp%10+0x30); // unite

// Entree analogique Mode 8 bits (justify)
// Renvoie la tension d'alim 12V
unsigned char
unsigned char volt;
ADGO = 1;
volt = ADRESH + (ADRESH>>3); // volt = ADRESH*(1+1/8)
return volt;

// Valeur ANA Mode 10bits
adc_read(unsigned char channel, unsigned int* val)
//0xC1; // enable ADC, RC osc.
ADCON0 = (channel << 3) + 0x81; // => Fosc/32, enable ADC
ADGO = 1;
while(ADGO); // wait for conversion complete
*val = (unsigned int)(ADRESH<<8) + ADRESL;

// Sortie PWM pour buzzer
// Timer 2 presc : 1:16
// => PR2=0 => 115KHz, 12=> 8.8KHz, 64=> 1700Hz, 255=> 450Hz
init_pwm(void) {
// (1) Initialisation de la periode PWM (PR2 register).
// PWM period = [(PR2) + 1] ? 4 ? TOSC ? (TMR2 prescale value)
// >>TOSC = 1/7.3728MHz = 0.136 us
PR2 = 64; // 64 -> 30.769KHz

// (2) Initialisation du rapport cyclique PWM (CCPR1L register & CCP1CON<5:4> bits).
// PWM duty cycle = (CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>) Tosc ? (TMR2 prescale value)
//CCPR1L = 0; // duty = 0% ; CCPR1L = 64 -> 100%
CCPR1L = PR2 >> 2; // duty = 50%
CCP1CON = 0x00; // PWM off + LSB = 0x0

// (3) broche CCP1 en sortie (TRISB<3> bit = 0).
// OK

// (4) Initialisation du prescaler et activation du TMR2 (T2CON).
//T2CON = 0b00000100; // post 1:1, T2 on, pre 1:1
//T2CON = 0b01111100; // post1:16?, T2 on, pre 1:1
T2CON = 0b00000110; // post1:1, T2 on, pre 1:16

// (5) Activation du module PWM.
CCP1CON = 0b00001100; // PWM on + LSB = 0x0

// Mise a jour PWM (nouvelle frequence duty 50%)
// FPWM = 1 / ((PR2+1)*4*TOSC*TMR2presc) avec TOSC = 0.136us, TMR2presc = 16
// = 115200 / (PR2+1) => [450Hz - 115KHz]
update_pwm(unsigned char val) {
PR2 = val;
CCPR1L = val >> 2;

// Port Serie RS232 8bits, no parity, 1 bit de stop
init232(char debit){
// Baud Rate = Fosc/(16(SPBRG+1))
SPBRG = debit;
// 103 : 9600bds, 51 : 19200bds, 16 : 57600bds, 8: 115kbds, 255 : 1Mbps!!! pour 16MHz
// 155 : 9600bds, 77 : 19200bds, 25 : 57600bds, 12 : 115kbds pour 24MHz
TXSTA = 0b00100100;//0b10100100; // Asynchronous, 8bits, TXEN, Asynchronous, High speed
RCSTA = 0b10010000; // SPEN : enable port, CREN : reception continue
//rx232(); // correction bug bootloader (sinon port bloque ?)

RCSTA = (NINE_BITS|0x90);*/

tx232(char val){
while(TRMT==0); // attendre que le tampon soit vide
TXREG = val; // emet le caractere

unsigned char tmp; // #### UTILE ??? cf doc MidRange
if (OERR==1) { //overrun Error
CREN = 0;
CREN = 1;
tmp = RCREG;
RCIF = 0; // reset flag ISR
return RCREG; // retourne le caractere recu

// ecrit une string de caracteres sur le port serie
tx232_puts(const char * s){

/*// detection de reception
return rx232();

// ecrit 2 caracteres ascii
tx232_2ascii(unsigned char car){
tx232(hexa2ascii(car >> 4));
tx232(hexa2ascii(car & 0x0F));

// LECTURE d'un octet dans l'EEPROM
unsigned char
readEE(unsigned char adr){
//return EEPROM_READ(adr); // bug -W-3 no effect !!
EEADR = adr; // selectionne la bonne adresse
EEPGD = 0; // memoire donnees
RD = 1; // commence la lecture
return EEDATA; // renvoie l'octet lu-

// ECRITURE d'un octet dans l'EEPROM
writeEE(unsigned char adr, unsigned char data){
//EEPROM_WRITE(adr, data); // avec blocage ISR + remise en route ISR
/*//char tmp;
if (GIE==1) CARRY = 1; // tmp = 1;
else CARRY = 0; // tmp = 0;
while (WR==1); // attend la fin de l'ecriture precedante
EEADR = adr; // selectionne la bonne adresse
EEDATA = data; // donnee a ecrire
EEPGD = 0; // memoire donnees
WREN = 1; // autorise l'ecriture
GIE = 0; // desactive les ISR si activees
EECON2 = 0x55; // nombres magiques
EECON2 = 0xAA; //
WR = 1; // commence l'ecriture
GIE = CARRY; //(bit)tmp; // reactive les interruptions
WREN = 0; // interdit l'ecriture
// HI-TECH macro + Microchip P43 ex4-2
while(WR)continue; // attends la fin de l'ecriture precedante
EEADR=adr; // selectionne la bonne adresse
EEDATA=data; // donnee a ecrire
EEPGD=0; // memoire donnees
WREN=1; // autorise l'ecriture
CARRY=0; // sauvegarde & desactive GIE
if(GIE) CARRY=1;
GIE=0; // desactive les ISR si activees
EECON2=0x55; // nombres magiques
WR=1; // commence l'ecriture
if(CARRY) GIE=1; // reactive les interruptions
WREN=0; // interdit l'ecriture

// ajoute 37 octets ROM // A TESTER
// STOCKAGE variables RAM persistant
// LECTURE d'une suite d'octet dans l'EEPROM : ZONE PERSISTANTE
// appel : read_from_eeprom(_Lnvram, _Hnvram-_Lnvram);
read_from_eeprom(char * start, unsigned char length){
unsigned char i;
for(i=0; i<length; i++){
*start = readEE(i);

// ECRITURE d'une suite d'octet dans l'EEPROM : ZONE PERSISTANTE
// appel : write_to_eeprom(_Lnvram, _Hnvram-_Lnvram);
write_to_eeprom(char * start, unsigned char length){
unsigned char i;
for(i=0; i<length; i++){
writeEE(i, *start);

I don't even need to look at the source... The problem is that 1x16
LCDs are mapped differently from 2x16 LCDs.

In the 2x16 LCD that was originally used, the character positions on
the first line are at LCD addresses 0x00-0x0F, and the positions on
the second line are at addresses 0x40-0x4F. Since he was only using
the first line, the author of your code could display strings simply
by writing to consecutive LCD addresses in the range 0x00-0x0F.

On your 1x16 LCD, though, the first 8 positions are at addresses 0x00-
0x07, BUT THE NEXT 8 ARE AT 0x40-0x47! You'll need to modify your
LCD display routines so they'll write to 0x40-47 instead of to 0x08-

If you don't have access to the LCD display routines (if they're in a
library or something), you may be able to work around the problem by
displaying every string TWICE: Once as you're doing it now (starting
at 0x00 or whatever address x is specified in the code), and then
again at 0x38 (or at 0x38 + x). The duplicate writes won't hurt
anything; they'll just slow things down a little.

Good luck...

BTW, if you require further help, do a search for "lcd routines+USA."
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