Long, long, long, long time ago, i had a scope with a similar problem. The transformer was bad. The secondary was something like 1000vac and i didnt have anything like that. I took out the transformer, tried to get the windings off, peeled apart lamination, ended up with a pile of garbage.
That was the only scope i had, so i had to think of something. I ended up putting two or three lower voltage transformer secondaries in series to get the higher voltage. For example (dont remember the exact voltages now) one 200vac, one 400vac, then maybe one 300vac gets me close to 1000vac. The secondaries MUST be isolated from the primaries or this wont work.
The lower voltage transformers were common in amplifiers and radios and TV sets back then. They were still quite high by today's standards (being 200vac or higher in most cases) but not enough for the scope. A few strung together did the trick and the scope worked for years after that.
As a side note, it did not cost me one penny to do this because i had all of the lower voltage ones already removed from older equipment.