RF Link Issues

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Hello I am using a RF Transmitter/Receiver pair from here:

I wrote this code in the BX24 to test the RF Link:

Option Explicit

Dim Com3_In(1 to 30) As Byte
Dim Com3_Out(1 to 30) As Byte

Public Sub Main()


Call PutPin(25, 0) 'Turn on Red LED to represent the Transmit
signal being sent

'Define pins for Com3 (TX = pin8).
Call DefineCom3(0, 8, bx1000_1000)
'Open Com3 serial port queues.
Call OpenQueue(Com3_Out, 30)
Call OpenQueue(Com3_In, 30)
'Open Com3 at 2400, N, 8, 1
Call OpenCom(3, 2400, Com3_In, Com3_Out)

Call PutQueueStr(Com3_Out, "Transmit ")

Call PutPin(25, 1) 'Turn off Red LED


End Sub

More info:
Pin 8 on the BX24 is tied to the TX data pin
Data pin on the RX is tied to what Pin 1 on the BX24 would normally
be connected to
12v supplied to the TX
5v supplied to the RX
Setup the Monitor Port to:
Com Port 1
Baud 2400
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1

I was hoping the code would allow for the RF link to work, so that
way I could in the future "debug.print" info to my PC while the BX24
is not connected. Any reason why the code does not work?

I appreciate any info you can share.

After working on the project for a bit longer I did this:

Data pin on the RX is tied to what Pin 2 (NOT Pin 1 as I stated earlier) on the BX24 would normally
Went into "Start", "Control Panel", "System", "Hardware", "Device Manager" and changed the info on COM1 to match the info I programmed the BX24 to output
Put a LED on the data pin for the TX and RX units, the TX lights up when the data is being sent. The LED on the RX unit does get brighter when it's receiving the transmission, however once the transmission is complete the LED slightly glows.

When checking the BasicX monitor screen the message comes across "Transmit" but along with that a lot of other garbage and misc text and symbols.

So I do have a link between the two units, however is the RX data output LED supposed to glow when it's not getting a signal from the TX unit?

Nigel, I took a look at your site about Manchester coding. If I sent a signal with that type of coding, I would need a decoder on the other end then correct? I was just hoping to have a straight through RF link between the BX24 and the PC.
Conrad_Turbo said:
Nigel, I took a look at your site about Manchester coding. If I sent a signal with that type of coding, I would need a decoder on the other end then correct? I was just hoping to have a straight through RF link between the BX24 and the PC.

Yes you would need a decoder, if you're wanting to do it without, then read the first part of my tutorial which explains why you may have problems.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Yes you would need a decoder, if you're wanting to do it without, then read the first part of my tutorial which explains why you may have problems.

Ah I understand. So what is a useful encoder/decoder for transmitting a RS232 signal via the TX/RX units I selected?
Conrad_Turbo said:
Ah I understand. So what is a useful encoder/decoder for transmitting a RS232 signal via the TX/RX units I selected?

You write it in the software in the micro-controllers you use, or many radio module manufacturers sell specific chips to do it. For a PIC check my tutorials.
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