rf mixer for 74hct4046 pll question

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I am interested in building a simple fm reciever using a 74hct4046 pll as a demodulator. The reciever must have a range between 902 and 905 MHz. I guess my question is do I need to mix the input signal down before demodulation? If so, what would be a good frequency to mix down to?
It's also my understanding that this pll can be an fm demodulator and a mixer, but not both, is this correct?
Any thoughts on mixing circuits would be great too.

You need to study superheterodyne receivers. To get from 900Mhz to a frequency that a 4046 can demodulate (<1Mhz), you will need at least two and maybe three intermediate frequencies and mixers.
It's not the kind of PLL intended for RF use - I would suggest you look at other suitable PLL's.
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