RF with PIC, how?

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Night Rider

Hey guys,
a simply question. i've got two rf modules. the rr3 and rt4 telecontrolli. i use a pic16f84 with rt4 to transmit a byte or anything else you want, and i receive with a pic12f675 and rr3. i use the interrupt on change on pin GP5 to get the frame from the rr3. Is this wrong technic? i can use an external inrrupt but i thing it is the same thing. The problem, i thing, is that i dont know when the frame from rr3 is coming to synchronize the pic and get the frame to a register. Do you have some ideas or solutions , because i dont see any control signal from rr3, to tell me that the frame arrives. is ti propably a synchronize problem or something more simple that i cant see? the 13 pin of rr3 i dont know what it is doing, i thing it is test point. Can i use it to solve the problem?
sorry for my english.
You can't send standard serial over an RF link (because it's not DC coupled), you need to encode it. The most common type of coding used is Manchester coding.

Check my RF PIC tutorial!.
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