RGB LED Controller and ammeter data

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Hey !

I'm Kim, a french 20 YO boy. I'm studying at ESTACA (Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile), one of the leading engineering school for the transportation industry. In one of our projects, an ammeter sends his data to a PIC, and I learnt that it's possible to change the colour of the LED according to the data received from the ammeter (and thanks to the RGB LED Controller of Picprojects). However, I tried to adapt an ammeter thanks to Flowcode & Proteus. I'm working on it since a month and I cannot find any correct solution... And due to my school, I don't have enough time to work more on it. Can you help me on this please ? It would be great...

Thanks in advance ! And sorry for my english...
You would have to post complete code and schematics for what you have complted already before we can help you.
go ask you mates about the assignements, that would be the exact right thing to do.
The one thing you shall learn from a french engineering school (even a 5 years curriculum one) is teamwork and interaction with others, trust me on this one. Ohh, that and drinking cheap beer obviously.

Other than that your question is so vague that I have no idea what you are asking for.
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Depending on the specific ammeter and how it's setup, it could output a varying voltage that is dependent on the current it is measuring. Assuming that is the case with your setup, you would have to connect the varying voltage output of the ammeter to one of the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) pins on your PIC. The specific pins that receive ADC input and whether or not your PIC even has a built in ADC depend on the specific PIC model. Once your PIC has converted the analog voltage to a digital number, you would need to turn on or off the output of 3 more pins on the PIC (these pins would be connected to the RGB LED) according to some software that you would have to write. This is not a trivial problem and it is not something that someone could just give you a list of steps to accomplish, especially when you haven't given any details about the problem or even what PIC you're using. The skills to complete a project like this are usually learned over time like in a semester long class for example.
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