Ripped part of solder point

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New Member
I was de-soldering on a circuit board of mine and when I was pulling out a transistor I pushed too hard and ripped a small part of the board off at the solder point. There is still some of the light green track connected to half of the solder point, that connects to another solder point. When I res-older my wire through that hole will the connection still work properly? I attached an image of what happened. The yellow outline is the part that's missing that I ripped off.


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it happens more then you know, but yes , it should work fine. I think it's called a "green wire" when you repair a board like that, been there and done it also.
I'll search and see if I find a link that I saw a while ago. If so I'll post it back here.
If your replacing the component, leave the lead long bend it over and solder it to the adjacent pad.
As implied there are probably thousands of repaired devices around that this has happened to.
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