RLC circult.

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New Member
This question came out of self practice.

The original circuit was without C1 connected.
I wanted to correct the power factor of this circuit and therefore connected C1.
Given that C1 and L1 consume the same reactive power, then the source doesnt need to supply reactive power to them.

Therefore, the only current drawn from the source is to supply R1 and R2 active power, right?

My question is, how can you calculate the current drawn from the source, from power/energy considerations?




    9.3 KB · Views: 589
Can you use a Zobel network? See the section titled Zobel networks and loudspeaker drivers.
If this will work, you need to add a resistor equal to R2 in series wih C.
This yields a broadband circuit with minimal phase shift between input voltage and current.
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