Robocon 2007 in Vietnam

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New Member

Many foreigner students from South east Asia ask me about the Robocon 2007 rules, organized in vietnam.

I opened this thread in to discuss about robocon 2007.

Pls take a look at that thread if you care about Robocon 2007.

Thanks indeed.

PS> This forum in picvietnam is for English only. (no Vietnamese, all vietnamese posts will be deleted in this English forum).

Welcome to Vietnam, you can follow the link to join to picvietnam, where we support about the Robocon 2007.
Robocon 2007 Hanoi

i am a student of Mechanical Enginering from Islamic Azad University of
Arak- Iran and i am going to compete with my team in Robocon 2007 Hanoi.

Would you please tell me if we can participate in international
competition in robocon 2007 without knowing if there is/are any other team except us in Iran want to competing in Robocon2007 ?

in deed, must every country have 1 (one) competitor in Robocon 2007 hanoi ?
if yes how we can compete in iran so that the iranian team be defined for
Robocon 2007 ?

thank you any way
Mohammad Rafiee
**broken link removed**
We have already had 2 teams to join the Robocon 2007. One is the BKDC of Danang University of Technology (Danang is in the central part of Vietnam), and the other is the team of Hanoi Industrial University DT03.

Welcome to Vietnam, we are waiting for very interesting robot contests.

I shall be going to egypt stadium from tomorow so start local competition in egypt.. if we win, maybe i'll see you in vietnam!
falleafd, ikalogic has won here , and he's gonna reperesent egypt in vietnam !! god willing

congrats ikalogic
best wishes in vietnam

I hope you will have an interesting visit in Vietnam, especially in Hanoi. There are many sightseeings in Vietnam, I hope you you can pay some visits to there.

I recommend you a youth company here. The fact that I have some investment to this company just because I love travelling. Sorry that I'm now in Korea and cannot take you when you guys come to Vietnam, but if you need I will introduce my students to guide you in Hanoi.

**broken link removed** << the website of the company.

Once again, welcome to Vietnam.
ahmedragia21 said:
falleafd, ikalogic has won here , and he's gonna reperesent egypt in vietnam !! god willing

congrats ikalogic
best wishes in vietnam

Thanks you Ahmed.. it was very nice to meet you at the stadium...

As ahmed say, i shall be going to vietnam... if anyone on the forum is going too, let me know!
sorry i wasnt there in the stadium to wave for ya ! but ahmed el khawga did it , cuz i were in da hospital ^^, i got fainted there in the stadium .
hey zabtny b2a fe el codes momken send it 3ayez a3raf eah el kan wrong 3andy , write a tutorial !
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