Robohelp!!!! urgent

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hello friends..

actually i am new to robotics, have only worked on a line follower robot using avr, am looking forward for the step climber which microcontroller to use?? and where could i get the kit from ... and how to program??
help me plz
and if u have a book or an ebook plz recommend
As you're familiar with the AVR it makes sense to continue using that, but any micro-controller should be fine.
If you do not know how to program the AVR: Most of us here use PIC16 and PIC18 micocontrollers. It will be easier to get help for them here. That is not to say you can not get help for AVR.
A good AVR website is huge amounts of information on the website and the forum users are pretty bright folks.
hi people who ever doing robotic projects

hi friends,
i m working with robtics technology. if any body want help from robotics i will guide u. so here one person asked which controller is best?, better to go with PIC microcontrollers.

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