robot grip

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hello friends! I am shashank. what actually I wanted to ask you is, how can I grip a conical object using a robotic arm. what kind of grips can I make use of? please help me out with few images and links for videos too !

How hard is this conical object? A scoope with a finger to push it in is probably the easiest, or something like a rubber cord grip tool.
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Maybe use a compliant sand paper grip so the fingers are on joints that adjust to the angle of the cone with lots of pressure and see if that works. I guess it depends on the angle of the cone.
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A normal griper will be fine.

Imagine a Human hand. He can grip the object using only two fingers? Like a gripper?

IF are doing it for a specific cone shape always using a special gripper to enhance speed. I recommend gripper with force or pressure sensor and special conical shape.

Best regards,
Is the object made of iron ? So you can just pick it up using electro magnets.

Is the cone pointing upwards or downwards ?
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